Chapter 50 - Chance

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Logan Nielsen

I looked out the window blankly thinking about the coronation, It's in less than 2 days. I put my hands into my pocket and closed my eyes. How I wish.. I can runaway to see Mandy and drag her cute ass here.

She promised.

She swore.

She has to come to my coronation.

"I prepared a jet for you.. to go to New York." I opened my eyes and turned to see my grandfather.


"I know you want to take Amanda here for your coronation right? She will be attending an event by the time you get there. I already prepared everything for you so.. go." He said and I hugged him right away.

"Thankyou so much, grandfather!" I said and he patted my back.

"Once you get there.. you only have 6 hours to persuade her. You have to get back here before the coronation, Logan." He said and I released the hug.

"Thankyou! I promise I will get back here before the coronation happens." I said as I hugged him again.

"I believe in you, son. Now go! The car is already waiting for you downstairs." He said and I smiled widely at him.

"Thankyou once again.." I said and he pushed my body away. I quickly got out from my room and ran downstairs. One of my guards already opened the door for me and I got into the car right away.

I was so excited.. my heart fluttered just thinking about it.

My chauffer drove the car out from the palace and I looked at the window. I can't stop smiling knowing the idea that I'll be seeing Mandy again after 9 months not seeing her. I'm so happy and I can't contain my happiness.

As soon as we arrived at the airport, I got into the private jet and waited for the pilot to take off. I didn't even bring anything with me besides my phone, I was that excited.

Suddenly the airstewardess gave me a small bag and I raised my eyebrows.

"Your Highness, we prepared this for you. Your grandfather made rude that you have everything you need." She said and I took the bag.

"Thankyou." I said and I opened the bag to see charger, passport, money and credit card. Suddenly the airstewardess gave me a small luggage too. I smiled remembering my grandfather. I owed him a lot for this.

"Your Highness, we'll take care of your luggage for you because we're going to take off." One of my guards said and I nodded.

I put on my seatbelt and I can't wait to see Mandy.

William Nielsen

"You saw that?" I asked my son as I looked at Logan running out the palace.

"You took that smile away from him and I won't let you to take it anymore." I turned to my son and he sighed.

"I don't think Amanda will agree to come with him." My son said confidently and I shook my head.

"If she doesn't agree, I'll take over the throne again since you want to give it to your son so badly." I said and my son looked at me disbelief.

"Father, I can't believe you said that."

"I'll rule again so I can let him marry Amanda." I smiled and I turned my body.

"You'll regret this, father. Logan won't comeback to Denmark after this.. you just let him runaway!" He bursted at me.

"Nah.. I know he's not the type of man who will break his promise. He promised me that he will comeback before the coronation." I said and before I can walk out, my son stood in front fo me.

"Linnea is the right woman for him!" He looked at me coldly and I shook my head.

"Linnea is not in love with your son.. and I let her go already." I smiled at him and he looked at me disbelief.

"Father.. how could you?"

"You'll thank me one day, son." I patted his upper arm and walked out from the room to have my afternoon nap.

I hope Logan will able to bring Amanda back.

Linnea Lindberg

I got into the airplane that Logan's grandfather prepared. He told me to go before King Valentino catch me running away. He even told me to pick anywhere in the world I want to go.

I thanked him and I'm so grateful that he helped me.

"Your Majesty, I'm captain Joseph Martin. I'll be incharge of this plane. Where do you want me to take you?" He asked and I looked out the window.

Should I go back to Sweden? Or should I go to another country?

"Where is the best place to hide?" I asked without looking at him.

"Your Majesty.." He was speechless.

"Let's just go back to Sweden then.." I said and he smiled nodding.

"The plane will take off in 15 minutes, Your Majesty."

"Thankyou." I said and he walked away. I leaned my body and closed my eyes. I put my seatbelt without looking and sighed.

I guess.. going back home is the best choice for now.

I took out my phone and texted Logan to tell him that I'm leaving. I congratulated him for the coronation in two days. The crew walked into the plane and greeted me. They closed the jet and we're ready to take off the plane.

I'm not going to runaway again.. I have to rule.

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