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The bell rings again.

"Hold on Chrisy I'm coming!" I yell as I descend the stairs, playfully rolling my eyes. She was always so impatient.

I get to the door and take a deep breath before opening it. I'm about to see my sister for the first time in years. Sure I've seen her pictures but I've never seen her in the flesh.

I open the door and there she stands. She looks so grown up.

"Took you long enough. I'm almost as old as you from just waiting." to anyone else it would seem as in insult but this is how we talk, we've always had playful banter between the two of us.

"Well aren't you going to invite me in?" she asks rolling her eyes while I'm still trying to process that she's standing in front of me.

"Right yeah come in." she walks in and looks around. The Wilson sisters are upstairs, they wanted to give us some privacy.

"This place is nice." she says looking around. I can't resist is and I pull her into a hug.
"Nice to see you too Amy." she says and hugs me back.

We moved to the living room and talked about what we've missed these last for years until we had to leave. She told me she had a boyfriend but they broke up about a year ago. She also said she's a photographer. She didn't want to go to college so she took classes on photography and is now a professional photographer. She still gets good money because of my father's contacts so that's good. I excused myself to get ready. She came dressed for the occasion so I sent the Wilson sisters down to meet her while I got ready. I chose a blue dress with black heels. I don't wear dresses often but I need to impress Brooke tonight.


Arriving at the restaurant, I get out and go to Brookes's door to open it for her. She looks breathtaking in her black dress.
She used some of my makeup to cover up her bruises and they aren't noticeable right now. I hook her arm with mine and we make it to the front where I give my name and we are taken to our table. We order and when the waitress leaves Chrisy turns to me with a playful glint in her eyes.

"So Amy, why didn't you tell me Brooke over here was your girlfriend?" she's smirking.
I felt heat rushing to my cheeks. Beverly, who was sitting opposite me nearly choked on her drink. Brooke just started laughing.
"Girlfriend?" Beverly says, surprised. Which surprises me because I thought Brooke told her.

"Yeah. Brooke asked me literally right before you rang the bell. She is now my girlfriend and I couldn't be happier about it." I look over at her and she smiles.

"You such a softball now. What happened to my badass sister who broke doors and loved fighting?" she references our childhood where I was the only girl in our prepatory school who wasn't silent and subdued.

"She's still there. She just realized there is more to life than just violence and fighting." I say and raise my glass of wine to her.

"What's this here. Amy you didn't tell me any of this." I am not explaining this here. I'm going to avoid it if I can because I really don't want to talk about it.

"I'll tell you when we get home." Brooke nods and the waitress brings our food.
"Can I get you anything else?" she glances around the table.

"No we good for now, but when you clear our plates, would you mind getting us dessert menus please?" I ask, smiling politely.
"Of course ma'am." she leaves and we eat in peace.

Dinner went well. Although the waitress did ask me out which caused Brooke to give her a very scary look that I found hilarious.
We are now heading back. I'm driving while Chrisy tells them an embarrassing story. I only paid attention to the middle part so I missed out the first part.

"... then she ran into the glass door and fell on her ass and she started laughing. Like who does that. So my dad comes in and sees her on the floor and is like. 'Izzy your daughter ran into the door again!'. So my mum runs in and picks her up while my dad and I are laughing and we got scolded and she got ice cream. It was unfair if you ask me." the sisters are laughing in the back while Chrisy is telling them this.

"Guess what guys? We're here. So you can go home now Chrisy. Love you bye." I practically run to her side of the jeep and hug her while ushering her to her car.
"I love you too. We need to hang again okay? Soon." I know. We've missed far too much in each other's life.

"Alright." she leaves and I go inside.

"Okay so I'm going to change and you guys should to. I'll give you some clothes and we need to talk. Okay?" they nod and I go to my closet to take out clothes. After they leave I change into a big t-shirt and shorts and slippers and go to the living room to wait for them.

Bev comes down first and she sits next to me. When Brooke finally shows up I get up and give her my spot so I can look at them when I speak.
"So I needed to talk to you guys about getting your own stuff."
"Oh right. We can't keep using your stuff plus Bev doesn't even fit into it. So I can go back and get out stuff or I can get a job and-" I'm not sending her back there.

"Shut up. A, no. You're not getting a job for that reason. B, I'm getting you both anything and everything you will need because I'm never letting you go back there. Tomorrow, we'll go shopping. No arguments, I am doing this. We should go to sleep now."

"Thanks Amy. Goodnight."
Beverly heads off leaving Brooke and I alone. I'm fully prepared to face a pissed off Brooke and am surprised to find a smiling Brooke looking at me.

"You are such a beautiful person." she cups my cheek and leans in and kisses me. It was full of emotion and it was way better than our first kiss.
After a few minutes of us making out in front of the couch I pull back and caress her cheek.

"That was... Wow." I say, looking into her eyes and smiling.

"I didn't know you could kiss Johnson." she says smirking back at me.

"Me neither." I said smiling extremely shyly. I looked down, her hands still holding my face.

"Can I be honest. This was my second kiss ever." I look down embarrassed. I had boyfriends but the second they tried to kiss me, I would make up excuses to leave and break up with them shortly after.

"I wouldn't have guessed that. So that means I was your first kiss?"
I nod and get up, slightly embarrassed.

"It's been a long day and tomorrow is going to be a long day so I'm going to head to bed so long." I kissed her cheek and pulled back, waiting for her response.

"Okay. Good night." she says, disappointing me a little.

"You're not coming?" I asked hesitantly, hoping I'm not pressuring her.

"I uh..." she stutters. Great. I pressured her, exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"I'm sorry, you feel pressured. It's fine if you don't want to come with me. There's plenty other rooms for you to sleep in. I didn't-" I ramble on. She takes my face into her hands and kisses me lightly.

"You're cute when you're nervous. I would love to come up with you, I didn't know how you felt about it which is why I didn't suggest it." she says smiling.

I lean in and kiss her before lightly grabbing her hand and heading to my room with her.

Why Me? (GxG)✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt