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I'm enjoying staying at home. It's peaceful. I have alot more time for me. I called Mark and he said I can keep my rank.

I'm wondering what we should eat for dinner. Bev is staying out with a friend so it'll just be Brooke and I. We'll probably just eat popcorn and watch TV tonight. After what happened, I'm giving her space.

"That was an awesome movie."
"It was okay."
"Okay! It's To all the boys I've loved before. It's amazing."
"The books were better."
"Only you will say that nerd."
"Hey, you read just as much as I do."
"Fair point but I don't prefer books to movies."
"Well I do so leave me alone."
"So Bev is out. And we are alone. And I need you."
"No. As much as I would love that, after yesterday I want to give you some space."
"Whatever you want but I don't want space."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

We spent the rest of the evening cuddling. It was about 8pm and we were just talking when our bedroom door opened and Bev walked in. It was dark so I couldn't see her but when she spoke I new she was crying.
"I'm sorry I interrupted your evening but uhm I'm home so I'll just go to my room. Good night."
"Woah. Wait. What happened?"
"Bev talk to us." she came and sat on the bed. Brooke and I pulled apart and went to sit on either side of her.

"I was supposed to be studying. I went to my friend Krista's house." I know Krista. She was a somewhat good kid. Just got involved with the wrong crowd.
"Anyway I got there and she convinced me to go to this stupid party. So I went and I needed the bathroom and I went upstairs and opened a door and I found Wes in bed with someone. I don't even know who she was. But he was naked and on top of her and it was horrible."
She broke down crying and Brooke brought her in for a hug. I went to get a glass of water for Bev.

When I got back, Bev was sleeping in our bed and Brooke was standing by window.
"Hey." I whispered so I didn't wake Bev. She motioned for me to follow her.

We got into the study and she started talking.
"Wes is her boyfriend or ex. I don't know. She's been dating him apparently for 3 months. He wanted to have sex with her but she wasn't ready. This was yesterday. She says she loves him."
"What's his surname?"
"I know of him. Some of the teachers would talk. He's an asshole. Why would she even like him?"
"Love makes you blind. I would know."
"It doesn't matter anymore. She's done with him."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Now your sister is sleeping in our bed. Where are we going to sleep?"
"Can we go watch TV in the lounge?"
"Let's go."

So we apparently fell asleep on the couch because when I woke up, it was light and the TV was on but I couldn't switch it off without waking Brooke up so I went back to sleep.

I woke up to Bev literally kicking me awake.
"I want breakfast and none of you bought anything and my sister won't let you give me a credit card and you won't let me get a job so buy us something. Please."
"Take my phone and order something."
She nodded and left.
"Baby it's time to get up."
"What time is it?"
"Uhm it's 9."
"I'm late. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
"Late for what?"
"Go get showered. I'll drive you."

20 minutes later we leaving the neighborhood in the audi.
"Why didn't we take the jeep?"
"Ugh you so frustrating. Now my co-workers are going to think I'm a spoilt rich kid who's bored with my life."
"They won't."
"How do you know?"
"Just trust me okay?"

Pulling up to her work, she moves to give me a kiss but I got out.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm getting food. Problem?"
"No. Come on."

We walked in and some idiot started going off at her for being late and for missing so many days. I ignored it but it did piss me off. I sat down and Brooke came to serve me.
"Welcome dear stranger I've never seen before. What can I get you?"
"Well I'll have a coke and you. That should be good right?"
"That can be arranged when I get off. But for now?"
"I'll have a coke and some pancakes please."
"Coming right up."

She walked to the kitchen and I heard that guy from earlier reprimanding her.
"This is a workplace. Not the place you go to to flirt with your girlfriend. You are here to do a job and if you don't want to do it then get out. Go back to the streets. We clear."
"Yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again sir."
"Good. Get outa my face now."
This guy should not be treating his employees like this. I own this place, I don't want him working for me.
I wave down one of the waitresses.
"Who runs this place?"
She points to the douche.
"And who's his boss?"
"He's in the back."
"Fetch him and Brooke. Brooke first. Send her here please."

"Vicky said you wanted to see me?"
"Yeah. That guy was way outs line. He can't speak to you like that."
"He's my boss."
"I don't care. It's bordering harassment."
"Don't make a scene please?"

"If it isn't our lazy ass owner. Finally decided to get off your ass and do some work Amy?"
"You are such an ass Shaun. You know I don't ask for much when it comes to shit. But I need you to fire someone."
"Who and why?"
"That douche and he was going off at my girl for something she couldn't control."
I turn to see Brooke staring at me.
"Brooke is a hard worker. You got yourself a good one. Don't screw it up."
"I won't. I'll see you next time you screw up. Can I take her home?"
"Dude. You own this joint. You can do whatever you want."
"Thanks. Bye Shaun. Bye Vicky."

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