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"Why do I have to come?" Chrisy doesn't want to come with us. She said that we are going to have sex the whole time and it's not going to be pleasant for her.
"It's a family trip and for the last time, we are not going to have sex constantly."
"Where are we staying?"
"From today until 3 days before new year we're in DC and then we'll go to New York."
"Fine. But if I hear you getting at it, I'm out."
"Fine. Go pack some bags. We leave in 2 hours." we both go to our rooms.

"I convinced her."
"That's good baby. What time is our flight?"
"4. We have to leave in like 2 hours."
"Okay. My bags are packed. Your bags are packed. And we have 2 hours to do whatever we want."
"I know what I want to do." I know where she's going with this.
"You." with that said I tackle her into our bed and we spend the next hour making love.

"Fix your hair sissy. And both of you reek of sex." so Bev is not as innocent as I thought. No. She is feisty and has comebacks for almost everything.
"Oh shut up Bev. Don't you have a phone to keep you entertained?"
"Yeah actually I do. Amy just got me a kindle and I can buy whatever I want so I'm going to read."
Oh shit. She wasn't supposed to tell Brooke that. Brooke hates it when I spend money on her sister. She feels as if Bev is her responsibility which is totally not true. She still works but I bought it. I just didn't tell her that. I'm not letting my baby work hard for others. She's basically working for herself.
Brooke glares at me. "We'll talk about this Kindle story on the plane."

We are boarding and I'm scared. Not of the flying but because of the talk about the kindle.
"You can't just buy her everything."
"I didn't. She loves reading and she couldn't exactly take the damn library with now could she?"
"You do too much for us. Giving us a home. Cars. Cash. Whatever we ask for. This trip. It's too much."
"I don't care what you think about this. You are my girls and I will spoil you both. Always. Chrisy has my parents' money and you two have mine. I was actually thinking about getting you both your own cards and linking it to my account. That way you can go shopping whenever."
"Absolutely not. I have a job and it pays decent. Bev can get a job and work."
"You start college next year. You are going to be busy with studying. Both of you need to focus on that. Not getting a job. I can provide for you. Let me provide. Please." I gave her puppy dog eyes.
"Ugh fine." she rolls her eyes.
"Thank you baby." I kiss her cheek.
"I should be saying thank you not the other way around."
"You don't have to say it."
"I know but thank you."
"You are welcome." since we are in the air, she looks out the window at the scenery while I grab a gift from my carry on.
"Yes love?"
"This is for you."
"Babe you shouldn't have."
"Are you gonna stare at it or are you going to open it?"
"Open it."
I got her a kindle. It's the more advanced version of Bev's and it's personalised. The background is a picture of a library with the words "You can't take the library but you can take this, love Amy."
"Thank you. I love it. I didn't get you anything though."
"It's fine. You being here, with me is enough."
"If you 2 are gonna say sappy shit the whole damn plane ride, I'm jumping out."
"Jealous sis?"
"In your dreams Brooke."
"Actually she's in my dreams Bev." I blush at the innuendo in that.
"Alright, you both have books, read away. I have some work to do."
We go about our own thing for the rest of the ride.

"So look out for 'Johnson'. My cousin set up for someone to pick us up and take us to the hotel." they nod and we walk together.
"I see him. Straight ahead."
"Alright guys, let's go." we walked to the guy and he took the trolley that had our bags.
"Ms Johnson and company. I'm Ricky and I will be your chauffeur while you are in DC."
"Nice to meet you Ricky. I'm Amy and this is Bev and Brooke Wilson. Please don't call me Ms Johnson. Too formal. Amy is fine."
"Ofcourse. Shall we?" I nodded and he lead us to the car. It was more of an SUV.
"I will drive you to the hotel. You have the penthouse suite. If you need anything, give me a call and there is a security team outside the hotel and penthouse."
"I told Ben not to go overboard." I roll my eyes. My cousin is excessive.
"He didn't. He suggested a limo and security tailing you. He is expecting you to be at dinner tomorrow. With your company."
"Joyful. You'll love my cousin. He's a nice guy when he's not being an ass."
The rest of the ride was silent. I slept on Brookes shoulder for the 20 minute drive.

This is the second time I've been to this hotel. I came when my grandparents died and now. It actually looks good.
" I thought you said this was a small hotel. This is stunning."
"This is nothing compared to the hotels the company owns."I turned to Ricky.
" Thank you Ricky. You can go now, I know my way from here."
"Okay. Enjoy your stay." he leaves us standing outside the entrance.
"Let's go." I took most of the bags and gave the rest to the doorman.

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