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I decided on pancakes because Brooke loves them and I want to spoil her as much as I can before I propose.

I'm singing while I make the pancakes. It's the last one and Brooke isn't down yet. I wonder what's taking so long.

I put a cover on the pancakes and decide to go and get her myself. I walk into our room and she's on the bed. With the ring in her hands.

"You're going to propose?"
"Next week. I booked tickets to Hawaii."
"Yes I will marry you."
I'm so fucking happy.
"I didn't ask you."
"You were going to."
"I have a fiance. Although I'm still asking you next week."
"Fine by me."
"Let's go eat."
"I want crazy sex please."
"After we eat."
"Don't tell anyone okay?"

After we ate, we decided to skip sex and watch TV. Boring right.
"What were you dreaming about when I found you?"
"Same old. Only I got a job and my mother was going on. The time frame doesn't fit but it was only a nightmare."
"You know you are not a disappointment. You are the best person I know."
"Let's watch the TV."
She switches the TV off and I was really enjoying it. She swings her legs over my lap and straddles me.
"I thought we said no sex."
"I'm not trying to have sex with you. We are talking about this."
"You shouldn't let what she said get to you. You are amazing at everything you do."
"Name one thing."
"You are mind blowing in bed. You were an amazing teacher. You are an amazing girlfriend and sister and daughter. You are the greatest catch in the world and I love you."
"I know babe. I know."
"Which part?"
"Everything. You are right."
"Always am."
"Let's go up."
I picked her up and walked to our bedroom.
"I am capable of walking."
"I know."

I put her down on the bed.

"Have you thought about what you wanna do?"
"Yeah. I think I'll write a book."
"Great. It'll be lovely and you'll definitely have fans."
"Still wanna be a doctor?"
"Absolutely baby."

"Do you have everything?"
"Yes. I think. Let me check one more time."
Today we leave for Hawaii. But it is taking incredibly long.
"How much longer?"
"5 minutes."

20 minutes later I'm still waiting. I am about to check up again when I have an idea.
"Is this what you wearing on the plane?"
"Okay. Take my small duffel bag. Get a pj set and a change of underwear for both of us. And 2 tops."

5 minutes later she comes out with the bag.
"Great. Now grab your carry on."
"Got it."
"Chris, we ready to go."
"No. Last bag."
"No. That's all we taking. We'll buy the rest when we get there."
"We are gonna buy a whole new wardrobe?"

"Have a safe trip. We love you. Enjoy."
"Why the rush. Hot date?"
"I'll tell you when you get back. Bye."

We get into the airport and go through everything and board the plane.
"When you gonna do it?"
"Wait and see."
"No fair."
"Just wait. I'm kinda tired. Can I use you as a pillow." she nods and I put my head on her shoulder and sleep.

"Baby we're here."
She tries to get the carry on but I stop her. Between the two of us we only have two bags.
"I got it. Let's find our ride."

She was expecting someone to pick us up but I thought we'd choose a car to rent rather.
"See any you like?"
"Yeah. The jeep."
"You like jeeps?"
"Yeah. I do."
I guess I found her a gift.
"You can't buy me one."

I rented the jeep for the week and we drove to the hotel. After we checked in and got into our room, which was beautiful, we ordered room service.

"How much did this cost? Be honest please."
"It wasn't that much. But it was worth it because of you."
"That's sweet babe."
"Can we go cuddle. I missed you."
"I've been with you the entire time."
"I still missed you." I chuckled at her weird self.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I sat down on the couch and pulled her into my lap. She sat down and wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. I put my head in her chest and we sat like that waiting for food.
"You smell nice. I'm gonna use the bathroom so open up when they get here."
She nodded and got up to sit down again while I went into the bathroom. The room only had one room because it was sorta a honeymoon suite.

I went and looked into the mirror. I stared at my face. I'm not attractive. Why would a Goddess like Brooke Wilson want me? I'm damaged. I'm broken and I'm not beautiful. She deserves everything. I love her yes, but I'm broken. What if she finds someone better and leaves? What if I propose again and she says no because she thought about it. Oh God.

I felt something warm hit my hand that was resting on the sink. God I'm crying over a girl. But she's not just a girl. She's my love.

I backed up against the wall and cried. I became numb to the world around me. So much so that I didn't hear the door open.

"Baby. The food's gett-. What's wrong."
As soon as she saw me she rushed and tried to take me in her arms but I pushed her away.

"No. Get away. You're just gonna leave. You're gonna leave me because look at me. You don't love me."

"Baby look at me." I looked up at her "I will never leave. Ever. Even if you tell me to. I'm here to stay. And yes I'm looking at you. You are the most gorgeous, sexiest and amazing person alive. I love you so much it hurts. I love you so much baby. Always and forever."
She pulled me into her arms and sat up and walked us to the bed.

"How can you love me? I'm unattractive and me. You are a goddess and you deserve better."

"I can't get better because you are the best. And yes I love you and I'm gonna show you just how much I love you."

She looked at me and I nodded. She stripped down to her underwear.
"I'm gonna take off your clothes okay?"

I nodded and let her go to work.

Why Me? (GxG)✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora