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Last night was amazing. Definitely one of the best nights of my life. I feel connected to Brooke on a whole new level. What we did wasn't just sex. Or well it didn't feel like that to me. It felt like we made love. Over and over until like 3 in the morning. I'm tired as hell.

Looking at the beauty sleeping next to me, I feel like the luckiest person on earth. I'm laying naked in bed with the woman I love and I can't wait to wake up to her everyday.

"Good morning love."
"It's a great morning Amy."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm tired."
"We need to get up so we can load the car."
"I know but I don't want this to end."
"It won't. I assure you there will be many more mornings like this and we won't have to wake up then."
"If you say so."
"I'm going to shower B. You coming?"
"B? I like it and I'll meet you there."

We showered with minimal funny business. I am 100 percent sure that she saw my scars. Even though they're my past, I'm still very insecure about them. I don't regret most of them because if I didn't cut, I would have killed myself so I don't regret that. She hasn't asked about them but her eyes lingered. It was the first time she saw them and she didn't even mention it. Usually when people see it, they ask and they judge but she didn't do that. That's one of the many reasons that I love her.

"Is that the last bag?"
"Ready to go?"
"Yes. Thank you baby for the amazing getaway. I really enjoyed myself so thank you my love."
"You are welcome. I can not wait to take you anywhere and everywhere."
"I know and I can't wait to experience that with you baby." I jumped in the car and we started the journey.

"So we didn't eat breakfast, would you like to stop at a diner or something?"
"I don't know what you're talking about because I ate in the shower." I felt my face heat up. She can be so bold.
"I meant food love."
"I know, I'm just messing with you. God you are so shy when it comes to sex."
"That's because up until yesterday I was a virgin."
"I know babe."

We had breakfast and continued our journey.
"I noticed something in the shower."
I sighed knowing it was probably the scars.
"It was the scars wasn't it?"
"Yes. I want you to tell me about them. But only if you feel comfortable."
"I'm never going to be comfortable but I love and trust you so I'll share. It was a hard time in my life and I thought people hated me. It was after the suicide attempt. Even though my mother apologized, it was still in my head. I still believe in all those things she ever told me."
"No. You are none of those things you hear me."
"Okay." over the years I've learnt that it's easier to agree when people say things like that.
"Remember when I said that Cameron was my first everything?" I nodded. "She wasn't. I thought I loved her but it didn't feel like this. Like what I have with you. And I never made love. I've always had sex. I've never made love until now. I love you and you were my first for those."
"I love you so much."
"Same. Now I wanna read so shut up." she said in a playful tone.
"Enjoy babe."
Somewhere along the ride she fell asleep and when we got home she was still asleep. I carried all the bags in and left them in one of the spare rooms and then I went back and carried her bridal style to the room. I tucked her in and left a note saying I went to pick up Bev.

I'm at Chrisy's house. I'm supposed to be picking up Bev but she's in her room
"How was your weekend getaway?" from picking Bev up and leaving, it turned into coming in for something. 20 minutes later I'm still here and I want to go home to my girlfriend who is probably up and wondering where I am.
"Chrisy the weekend was amazing but it was also tiring so I would like to go home and sleep."
"I understand. You slept with her didn't you? Also Bev had some work to do so she's not here."
"What the fuck Chrisy. The only reason I'm here is because you said that Bev was getting her things together in her room."
"I know but if I told you that then you would have left and I wanna know details of this weekend." annoyed and defeated I sighed.
"What you wanna know?"
"How? When? I bet it was on the beach with sand everywhere."
"Actually no. It was last night and it was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better first time. It was just wow. I loved it. I love her."
"Wait. You love her?"
"Yes I do."
"Well congrats big sister. You're all grown up now."
"Thanks. So I was thinking of taking a trip. All of us. But I don't know where."
"Sounds nice. Although I'd have to come up with a creative excuse for mum and dad."
"Okay. I better get going."
"Bye. I'll drop Bev off when she gets here."

I got home and she was still sleeping. I changed into boxers and a t-shirt and joined her. I still have school tomorrow.
I really can't wait until I'm unemployed. Less stress.

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