Chapter 5

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"I came to tell you that I made plans for a family dinner this weekend but changed my mind and pushed it to next weekend since Nathan would be coming on Saturday, that way we would do it properly as a complete family."

Derek rubbed his forehead with his fingers. He didn't like what he just heard because every family dinner he had been to with Michelle didn't turn out well. His mom always had a way of getting to Michelle, she always found a way to make her unhappy. He sighed.

"Mom, we're already having a party at my place for Nathan and I'm certain we all would be present... So, I don't think this family dinner would be necessary." Derek bluntly told his mom.

"Oh, honey, your dad is away on a business trip and there would be friends and colleagues present at that party but this, this is about us as a family... Besides, it's been a while since we last had a family dinner."

"We did that three months ago, Mom."

"Yeah, and that's quite a long time ago," Rebecca said ignoring Derek's displeasure with her dinner plans.

"I don't think that's necessary."

"Oh well, I'm not here for your opinion... I've already made plans. I only came to tell you in person."

"Hmmm," Derek sighed knowing that his mom wouldn't change her mind no matter what he said to try to make her cancel that dinner.

"Fine. Is that all?" He asked.

"Yes sweetie, that would be all for now." She replied stressing the 'now'

Rebecca stood up from the couch ready to take her leave.

"I'm off to see Helen." She said.

Derek only nodded as a sign that he heard her.

"Aren't you gonna give your mom a goodbye hug?" She asked Derek.

He stood up from the couch and hugged his mom. She then kissed him on the cheek.

"That's my baby." She said in a happy tone and walked out of the office.

Derek let out a sigh of relief, glad that his mom had left his office without making any silly remarks about Michelle. He sat back on the couch, thinking about how he was going to tell Michelle about this dinner without her getting scared as always. He was deep in thought when his secretary knocked on his door before entering.

"Sir, Mr Thomas is already here."

"Send him in." He said in return and stood up from the couch to go sit on his office chair.


Michelle was saying hello to one of her regular customers, a wealthy businessman and his wife who always had dinner at her restaurant when Derek walked into the restaurant. He kept scanning the place like he was looking for someone, then, his eyes landed on Michelle. He looked so stressed out and Michelle was certain it was work-related. When she was sure the couple were comfortable, she excused herself and walked towards Derek. She noticed a lot of girls staring at Derek with wide eyes, surprised to see him in person because he hardly made public appearances, most of the waitresses were already drooling, rather than scolding them. Michelle just smiled at how they failed to contain their emotions. She stopped in front of Derek and kissed him. She noticed that he kissed her passionately in return, it's not like she was complaining but it worried her because there was a sort of emotion behind the kiss and she had no idea what it was. She hates it when she doesn't know what is on his mind, he only behaves this way when he has to go on a business trip or when he is needy.

When they parted from the kiss, she saw some girls taking pictures of them. She felt embarrassed because she wasn't used to her personal life being out there in public. She had that problem from when she was little.

"Can we go?... If you aren't done yet I can wait." Derek said.

"No, I'm done for the day." She replied.

"I'll just go get my purse and give a few instructions to some staff then I'll join you in the car." She said to him.

"I'll be waiting in the car."

"Okay. Give me 5 minutes." She replied, and then he walked out of the restaurant.

The drive home was quiet and Michelle didn't like it. When they arrived at the mansion, Derek came out of the car and opened the door for her then they both walked hand in hand into the mansion. She went straight to the kitchen to make dinner. She was getting all the ingredients when Derek walked into the kitchen. He was still on his shirt and pants but his tie and suit jacket were off. He folded the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbow revealing the tattoos on his right arm. She wouldn't deny that she found his tattoos from the right side of his chest to his wrist sexy.

"Need a hand?" Derek asked.

Michelle smiled at his question, wondering what he could probably help her with when all his life he had never held a spatula. He has zero idea when it's kitchen-related.

"No, thanks... But, I won't mind if you set the table and after that, you can sit down and watch me cook." She replied with a smile.

He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

"I didn't say you should watch me like this." Michelle protested.

"I prefer watching you this way." She couldn't help but blush.

Michelle was hardly paying any attention to the meal she was preparing because of Derek's closeness.

"Babe, I can barely concentrate." She truthfully said.

"But I'm not doing anything," Derek argued before placing a kiss on her shoulder and walking towards the island bar to make himself comfortable on one of the chairs.

After 30 minutes, Michelle finished making dinner. She made spaghetti and tomato sauce and they ate quietly. Michelle didn't want to ask him what was on his mind yet because she wanted him to eat dinner without having any reason to lose his appetite. Derek on the other hand didn't want to break the news of the family dinner to Michelle over dinner because he was certain she wouldn't bother finishing her meal and would remain gloomy for the rest of the night and he didn't want any of that after she went through the stress of making dinner.

Michelle did the dishes while Derek went upstairs to take a shower. She joined him in the bedroom when she was done and also took a shower. She wore a black nightgown because black was Derek's favorite color. He was lying shirtless on the bed wearing only black sweatpants when Michelle joined him on the bed, she placed her head on his chest and began tracing her fingers on his tattoos, he was stroking her hair while she did that.

"Mom has made preparations for a family dinner next weekend." He suddenly said.

Michelle became tense. She quit what she was doing and lifted her head so she could see his face.

"Why?... I thought we were already having a party for Nathan where everyone would be present?" She asked.

"I told her the same thing but she was persistent. She claimed Dad wouldn't be there and she didn't need my permission to do anything... She said she was only letting me know so I don't make any other plans on that day." He explained.

Michelle placed her head back on his chest while he began rubbing circles around her back with his thumb.

"Babe, if you like, we could ditch the dinner..."

"No. That won't be necessary."

She let out a sigh before quietly saying,

"We'll attend it."

They both know they never enjoyed any of the family dinners they've been to since Derek introduced Michelle to his family because Rebecca always used it as an opportunity to humiliate Michelle. The room was quiet, neither of them wanted to break the silence.

"Goodnight," Derek said placing a kiss on Michelle's head.

"Goodnight." She whispered before closing her eyes.

Here is chapter 5 guys
Hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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