Chapter 15

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Nathan and Michelle looked at several mansions that day but Nathan wasn't satisfied with any they had seen, Michelle realized within this short period that he was quite picky.

They arrived at yet another mansion, it was a traditional-looking mansion, it was enormous and Michelle instantly fell in love with it. But that wasn't what attracted her to it, her real attraction was the fact that it looked homey. It had a very large pool that was big enough to accommodate more than twenty people and a magnificent garden at the far right of the pool. It had this family feeling and Michelle didn't need to go inside to know that it was perfect, she couldn't even restrain herself from showing her admiration.

Nathan was watching Michelle with so much interest, that he noticed how she was so into this particular mansion

"I love it." She blurted out.

"Okay then... We'll take this one," Nathan told the agent.

Michelle then realized that it wasn't in her place to choose a house for Nathan.

"Nathan, um, no... I didn't mean it that way." She tried to convince him that she was only talking to herself so he shouldn't take what she said seriously.

"If you love it then I love it... I'm buying this one, Michelle and there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind."

Michelle just smiled at Nathan knowing that she couldn't convince him otherwise, he was a stubborn one. They looked at the mansion. It had five bedrooms with six bathrooms, an indoor gym, three living rooms, a dining room, a very large kitchen with a breakfast bar and stool, a large TV room, a room, and other empty rooms. They followed the real estate agent to his office so Nathan could sign the necessary documents to acquire the mansion. After making the necessary payments, he was now the owner of the mansion.

Nathan took Michelle to a fancy restaurant to have lunch and at the same time celebrate. Nathan didn't like the furniture in the mansion, and he wanted them changed so he decided that Michelle should be the one to pick the furniture that would be best suitable for the mansion since she was the one who helped him choose the place. She declined at first, but after much persuasion she finally accepted.

They went to a furniture store during the week to buy the furniture's. Nathan let Michelle take care of the mansion's interior design and to his amazement Michelle did an awesome job, he loved the new look. She then recommended the cleaning agency that does the cleaning at Derek's mansion, he contacted them so they could do some cleaning before he would move into the mansion.


Derek was on his laptop in his office when the door suddenly opened, he looked up and saw Nathan walk in.

"Hey, little bro... Are you busy?" Nathan asked while making himself comfortable on the couch in the office.

"Yeah. I was just rounding up with this." Derek replied.

"That's good because I wanted to show you to my new place, then we'll grab lunch."

"You finally bought a place?"

"Yeah, I'll be moving in pretty soon... Just waiting for some final touches to be done."

"I'm happy for you, bro."

"Thanks. Let's go."

Derek chuckled and closed his laptop. He made sure to tell his assistant to cancel whatever appointments he was having for the rest of the day before leaving the office with Nathan.

"Wow, bro, this house is beautiful!... But it doesn't look like what you're used to. This isn't your style." Derek said while looking around the house.

"You're quite correct... I got this place all thanks to Michelle," Nathan replied with a big smile on his face.

Derek gave him a questioning look. He didn't understand what Nathan meant by that.

"I don't understand," He said with an eyebrow raised.

"I asked Michelle to accompany me while I looked at some of the options recommended by the agent and she loved this particular one, so I settled for this one... She also handled the interior design."

Derek felt his insides boil at Nathan's statement. He felt jealous all of a sudden and he didn't understand why. He knew Michelle and Nathan had always been close but he honestly didn't like the fact that they were friends. He was now staring intently at Nathan, not saying anything because he was sure his anger would get the best of him. His phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, babe," Michelle said in a soft quiet voice.

Derek loved to hear her voice all the time.

"I was at your office a while ago to have lunch with you but I was told that you already know left. Where are you?" She asked.

He could tell she was pouting from the sound of her voice.

"I'm sorry about that, babe. I'm with Nathan at his place. He's showing me around." He replied.

"Okay. So, what do you think of the place?... You like it?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful... Thanks for giving him a hand."

"Love, it was nothing. I had fun helping."

Derek chuckled lightly.

"I'll meet you at home, okay?"

"Okay, babe. I'll be waiting for you guys. Love you,"

"Love you more."

Derek then hung up.

"I'm guessing that was Michelle," Nathan said.

"Yeah. She wanted us to have lunch in my office."

"What do you intend to do with her?" Nathan asked.

Derek was confused by his question.

"What do you mean by that?" He questioned back.

Nathan chuckled and said,

"You've been together for quite a while now... And I don't think you have any plans for the future, so... Why waste your time?"

Derek was really confused. What was Nathan trying to say?

"If I were you, I wouldn't remain in a relationship where I don't see us together in the future. I mean... Why put the both of you through such pain."

Shocked was beyond what Derek felt at the moment. He never imagined this sort of utterance could come from Nathan. He thought he liked Michelle, but in the end, he wasn't different from his mom, they were both the same. Derek had no idea what he was doing until he saw Nathan on the floor. He was filled with rage and didn't even realize that he just gave Nathan a hard punch across the jaw.

"Don't you ever speak of my relationship in such a manner! I'm not as irresponsible as you!" Derek yelled.

He was about to storm out of the mansion but stopped and turned back to face a shocked Nathan on the floor with his hand on his jaw.

"You know what?.." Derek began,

"I don't want to see you anywhere close to me or Michelle... I hate you right now." He said before angrily leaving the mansion.

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