Chapter 14

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The entire Sunday, Michelle wasn't herself, she was awfully quiet and spent most of the day in the bedroom. It hurt Derek a lot, seeing her that way and not being able to do anything about it. He and Nathan didn't like to see her sad but they had no choice but to respect her decision. She wanted to be alone so the least they could do was give her her space.

It was Monday, and Derek woke up quite early to prepare for work because his dad had called him the previous day to let him know that he would be visiting him, that's why he had to be at the office early today. He didn't bother waking Michelle because he wasn't hungry, although she always made sure he had breakfast before leaving for work. She usually claimed it was good for his health and she didn't want him going to work on an empty stomach. She was sound asleep and he didn't want to be the one to ruin her sleep for his selfish reasons but he sincerely wanted her to see him off to work like she always did. He gave her a goodbye kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.

Michelle woke up and was greeted with an empty bed. She was surprised to see that Derek had already left for work. She felt bad for sleeping in, now Derek and Nathan didn't have breakfast because of that, she was disappointed with herself. She slowly got out of bed, she wondered why she was feeling lazy, maybe it was because she let Saturday's incident get to her. She shrugged off those thoughts and went into the bathroom to freshen up. After showering, she came out of the bathroom feeling clean, she got dressed in a green v-neck shirt and denim shorts.

Michelle didn't feel like going to the restaurant that day so she called Sam and asked him to be in charge of the restaurant as she wouldn't be able to make it because she was sick. Sam wished her a quick recovery and hung up. She went downstairs to have breakfast, on reaching the kitchen, she noticed that Nathan may have helped himself to some cereal because Derek never took breakfast without her forcing him. She then decided to have cereals as well.

When Michelle was done with breakfast and washing the dishes, she went into the living room and decided to browse through some magazines. She was looking through a magazine when suddenly it was snatched from her hands, she was shocked at first but felt relief when she saw it was only Nathan. He was wearing a black T-shirt that hugged his body and biceps perfectly with dark blue jeans. She had never seen him dress so simply and, to be honest, this look suited him

"Hey! What was that for?!" She complained.

Nathan was smiling as he held the magazine above his head, daring her to collect it from him. She tried several times to reach the magazine but Nathan was quite tall compared to her. They were currently standing close to each other, she could feel the heat coming from his body. He was looking down at her with a smirk on his face and she couldn't help but blush, she then retreated

"Fine. I give up." She said with a smile.

"Now, that's the smile I was looking for," Nathan said with a sense of accomplishment.

"Good morning," He greeted.

"Good morning." She replied, taking the magazine from his hand.

"I had no idea you were still at home."

"Yeah. I decided to skip work today because there are a few houses I'll be looking at today."

"Oh, that."

"And you?... I didn't think I'd find you home at this hour. What's up?"

"I decided not to go to the restaurant today because I don't feel like it," Michelle replied, now sitting on the couch.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't up early to make breakfast for you guys."

"Oh, that's not a problem at all. I helped myself to some cereals." Nathan explained with a smile.

Michelle couldn't help but smile back. She was right when she guessed that he was the one who had the cereals. She liked how carefree he was. Nathan then sat on the couch beside Michelle, he took a deep breath and began,

"Look, Michelle, I'm not trying to change the subject or make you feel awkward or anything like that, but.. I just need to know something," He said in a serious tone.

"O-okay? Michelle stuttered, wondering where this was going.

"Hmmn... I know my mom has never liked you from day one, and... I have witnessed some of her drama before moving to New York..."

Michelle only nodded so he knew she was listening. He licked his lips and continued. That one action seemed normal, but Michelle found it quite attractive.

"So. Um... I'm guessing from the incident that happened the night I arrived and Saturday, she hasn't stopped..."

He licked his lips again while staring at his fingers like he was thinking about something. Michelle on the other hand kept wondering where this conversation was heading,  but she wouldn't deny that she loved it when he licked his lips. It seems it was a habit of his and she guessed he had no idea how beautiful that was.

"Michelle... I just want to know if Derek has said anything about it... He hasn't said a thing from the ones I've witnessed... I just need to know if he... You know?..."

Michelle's face instantly dropped when she realized what Nathan was getting at.

"Nathan, I-um.."

She wasn't comfortable with the subject because her mom had brought it up once and so had Chloe. She tucked her hair behind her ear to control her nervousness.

"Michelle, please... I need you to say something."

"No... Derek hasn't said anything to your mom."

Michelle had no idea why she felt so hurt and betrayed while saying those words. Nathan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, nodding his head as he understood.

"And, do you have any idea why?" He suddenly asked when Michelle thought the conversation was over.

"How should I know? She's his mother... Please, Nathan, this is a really sensitive subject," She replied, her voice shaking at the last part.

"I'm sorry." He immediately apologized.

She stood up and turned her back against him so he wouldn't see the tears already blurring her vision.

"Would you like to come see the houses with me?" He suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"Um. Yeah... I'll go change. Give me a minute." She replied still backing him before hurriedly going upstairs.

Wow, guys, it wasn't easy updating all these chapters in a day
I hope this can make up for all the times I have been away
The story just got started, there's more drama ahead
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From me to you 😘

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