Chapter 32

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Michelle has been quiet for days. She stays in her room drowning in her sorrow and refuses to eat or do anything. It was like she was in a dream as she still couldn't believe that Nathan would do such a thing to her.

How could he betray her like that?

She gave him a chance because he promised to be there for her but that was all a lie to get her. She was just a game.

Was Nathan the reason Chloe suddenly stopped talking to her?

How could she be so stupid to not have suspected a thing?

She trusted him. She believed every word he said, but it was all a facade.

Derek would never do such a thing to her. They would argue sometimes but cheating was out of the question.

She should never have accepted to be Nathan's girlfriend. What was she thinking? That he would be single all his life waiting for her when she had no knowledge of his feelings for her? She should never have left Derek, Michelle kept repeating in her head.

 Leah was hurting seeing her daughter in such a state without being able to comfort her because Michelle didn't want to see anyone, not even her baby. She didn't bother to look at Sandra after the night she came home crying. Leah had been the one taking care of Sandra. She couldn't even ask Michelle how she got back her memory.

Leah decided not to ask her a thing because bringing up the topic of Derek or Nathan was going to hurt her even more.

  Nathan has been coming over to try to talk to Michelle, but Leah didn't let him in. She was disappointed in him. She thought he was a responsible man but he was only pretending.

She hopes her daughter, Michelle recovers from this roon because Sandra needs her mother.


 Derek hasn't heard from Michelle after their argument the other day at his place. He still couldn't believe that she got her memory back due to her head colliding with the door. He had been trying to give her a call but her phone was switched off. He had wanted to go visit her but changed his mind because he didn't want to get into another fight with Nathan. He hoped she hadn't gotten into any argument with Nathan because of him.

Derek was less busy so he decided to go see his parents. He hasn't seen them in a while now.  He got to the family house and found both his parents in the living room. He was relieved to find his father at home because he didn't want to be alone with his mom. The atmosphere would have been awkward because they now hardly spoke to each other.

"It's a surprise to see you here," Rebecca excitedly said. She was happy to see her son again. She went to him and hugged him because she knew he wouldn't refuse due to his father's presence.

"I'm so happy that my baby decided to pay us a visit," she said into the hug, glad that he hugged back.

"Hi Mom," he greeted after the hug.

It has been a long time since Rebecca was this affectionate with her son. She was relieved that he still acknowledged her as his mother.

Derek walked to the couch where his father was and sat beside him.

"Hi, Dad,"

"How are you doing son?"

"I'm fine,"

"Would you like to have anything?" Rebecca asked.

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