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"Derek, hurry up... Can't you go any faster?.. I'm not sure I can hold it any longer." Michelle whined at Derek.

"I'm trying baby," he nervously replied, as he drove her to the hospital. She was presently in labor pains.

"Mom, it hurts! The pain is unbearable!" She cried out.

"Calm down, honey, and try to breathe," Leah said to Michelle as she tried to get her to calm down.

"I hate you, Derek! You put me through this!" she screamed.

They all knew Michelle didn't mean what she said, she was only saying it because of her current state.

Derek and Michelle got back together. They had a low-profile wedding, with only family and close friends present to witness it. They moved to Las Vegas and stayed there for a while before moving back to Washington.

Sandra is currently three years old and Derek and Michelle are expecting their first child together.

They finally got to the hospital. The nurse came out with a wheelchair to take Michelle to her delivery room.

Derek kissed her on the head as they wheeled her inside. He called his mom to let her know that Michelle was about to give birth. Rebecca was excited to hear that and told him she was on her way to the hospital.

Derek didn't want to go in with Michelle because he couldn't bear to see her in so much pain, so Leah went in his place, to be by her daughter's side.

Derek anxiously paced to and fro outside the room.

Rebecca arrived at the hospital and saw her son in the hallway. She walked up to him and hugged him.

"Baby, how is she?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't know, Mom. She's still in there... I just hope she's alright," he nervously replied.

Rebecca smiled at how nervous her son was, so she soothed him.

"Calm down, honey. She's fine... Whatever pain she's in right now is only natural," she explained, soothing him as she wanted to make him calm down a little because he was stressing himself.

Mr Howard wasn't present because he was on a business trip and wouldn't be back until two weeks.

"What's keeping them?" Derek impatiently asked, he had been waiting for a long time and was already getting worried.

"I can't wait for my baby, Nathan to come back to me," Rebecca said out of nowhere, making Derek give her a questioning look.

"How can you be so sure?... We don't even know the sex of our child." Derek said.

They decided not to find out the sex of the baby, so it would be a surprise.

"Mother instincts. It never goes wrong... Trust me." Rebecca replied with a smile.

It has been a while now since they waited for the baby's arrival. A doctor soon came out of the room. Derek and his mom hurriedly stood up to meet him.

"Doctor, how is she?" Derek asked as he was concerned about his wife.

"She is doing fine," the doctor replied.

"And the baby?" Rebecca eagerly asked.

"Congratulations, Mr Howard, you're now a father to a healthy baby boy," the doctor said, giving Derek a handshake.

"I knew it!" Rebecca excitedly exclaimed, hugging her son.

Derek was relieved to know that Michelle and his son were both okay.

"Can we go in and see them?"

"But of course, you can." the doctor replied, leading them to the room.

They went in and saw an exhausted-looking Michelle on the bed, covered in sweat. While Leah held the tiny baby in her arms.

Derek went to sit on the bed, beside Michelle. He held her hand and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you, love," he whispered to her. Michelle smiled at him, she was too exhausted to say anything.

Rebecca walked up to Leah and asked,

"May I hold him?"

"Here you go," Leah replied, carefully handing the baby over to Rebecca.

She gazed lovingly at her grandson in her arms. She felt blessed to have such beautiful grandchildren.



"No more babies, okay?" Michelle tiredly said.

"Okay, love," he replied, placing a kiss on her knuckle but they both doubted that.

"What are you going to name him?" Leah suddenly asked, making them realize that they hadn't decided on a name for the baby.

They decided not to name the child before birth because they had no idea if it would be a boy or a girl.

"Nathan." Rebecca blurted out, still gazing at the baby with a smile on her face.

Michelle was surprised because she had planned on calling her child that, if it was a boy but she hadn't said anything about it to Derek.

"How did you know?... That's what I want to call him... Nathan." Michelle said with a smile.

Rebecca turned to look at Michelle

"Thank you, Michelle," she said, smiling at Michelle who smiled back.

Her mother-in-law had finally accepted her into the family.

Michelle was glad she made the right decision by going back to Derek, the man she loved.

She turned to look at Derek who was already staring lovingly at her.

"I love you," he said, giving her a passionate kiss.

"I love you too," Michelle replied with a smile after the kiss.

            THE END AT LAST

I want to thank y'all for sticking with me to the end, you guys are awesome.
I enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. I promise to give you guys more amazing stories.
Until next time 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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