Chapter 24

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While they were having dinner, Derek kept staring at Michelle, this made her uncomfortable as she didn't even dare look his way.

The dinner was eaten in silence. Rebecca didn't say anything all through dinner while Mr Howard just sat quietly at the head of the table observing all three of them.

Nathan was furious. He didn't understand why Derek had to come back now. He couldn't help but feel jealous at the way Derek was staring at Michelle. He regrets not pushing through with the wedding because he knew Derek still had feelings for Michelle and he was sure that he would want to get back at him for being with her.

Michelle, on the other hand, was barely touching her food. She suddenly regrets coming. She had no idea Derek would be present. What was she thinking? It's Thanksgiving and he ought to be present. She so badly wanted the dinner to end so she could go home. She tried stealing a glance at Derek and was surprised to see that he was still staring at her. She noticed he had lost some weight and he looked a little pale on the skin, she wondered if he was okay.

Dinner was finally over. Nathan and Michelle said goodbye before leaving. When they got home, Nathan went to place Sandra in her crib before going to meet Michelle, who was on the balcony.

When he got there, she was staring at the sky, so he joined her. Michelle felt a presence beside her and turned to see that it was Nathan. She still couldn't believe that he stood up for her against his mom, even when she wasn't present. That was something she had always wanted Derek to do.

"Thank you," she suddenly said.

Nathan looked at her confused. He didn't understand what she was thanking him for.

"What for?" He asked.

"For standing up for me."

Nathan now understood what she was talking about and just chuckled.

Michelle turned to Nathan and hugged him. He reciprocated by holding her tightly, inhaling her scent. He didn't want to let her go, not for anyone, not even for Derek.

Nathan had already left for work the next day. Michelle was at home with Sandra when she heard the doorbell. She didn't bother to let a maid get it since she was in the living room. She got up and went to get the door herself and was surprised by who she saw.

"Hi," Derek greeted. He wore a black shirt with black pants and his hair was in a back ponytail as always.

Michelle was too speechless to reply, she just kept staring at him with wide eyes. She had missed seeing him. She managed to talk so he wouldn't be kept standing.

"If-if you're here to see Nathan, he already left for work." she nervously said.

"I'm here to see you."

Michelle felt her legs giving out when she heard that deep voice she had always been used to. She tried to control her emotions so he wouldn't see how nervous she was.

"Um, okay. Come in," she said, gesturing for him to come in.

Michelle quietly closed the door behind them when Derek walked in. She didn't know if she was ready for this. She didn't think he would want to still talk to her after how they ended and most of all after seeing her with Nathan.

"May I hold her?" Derek asked pointing at the baby in her arms.

"Huh?... Oh, yes," she replied handing the baby over to him.

She watched as he held the baby with so much care like he didn't want anything hurting her. Sandra was doing fine with him, she didn't even cry rather she was smiling at him.

Michelle was touched by the scene before her. She had always wanted to have his baby. She wanted a family with him and no one else but none of those dreams came through.

While she was still staring at them, she noticed Sandra had slowly drifted to sleep which was surprising because she had to take hours cradling her before she went to bed. It seems he is good with babies. He would've been a great father, Michelle thought to herself.

"Let me take her to her room," Michelle said wanting to take Sandra from Derek.

"Don't worry, I'll do it. Just show me to her bedroom."

"Okay," Michelle said and led him to Sandra's room.

Derek carefully placed her in her crib and they left the room, going back to the living room.

They were now seated on the couch, no one saying anything making the silence awkward. Michelle has never been this way with Derek before. They always played or thought of a way to keep themselves lively when they were alone. This was different and new to both of them. They were both struggling to accept the present situation.

"Michelle,"  Derek spoke up.


"I'm sorry for everything you went through while we were together," he apologized.

Michelle wondered why he was apologizing. He didn't do anything wrong. She was the one who walked out of the relationship.

"I thought maybe, my mom was going to accept you someday, when she got tired of picking on you... I had no idea she could be told off that easily. I should've done that a long time ago... I'm sorry, Michelle. I hope you'll forgive me someday."

Michelle was already in tears. He should stop apologizing to her, he was making her feel more guilty than she already felt.

Derek turned to face her, placing his hand on her cheek.

"I want you to know that I never stopped loving you. Not once did you leave my thoughts... No matter what happens Michelle, I will always love you." He confessed, wiping the tears from her cheeks before standing up. He placed a kiss on her head and left.

  Michelle couldn't get any sleep that night as she sat up in bed. She couldn't believe that Derek still loved her and wasn't as mad at her as she had thought. He didn't care if she was with Nathan or already had a baby for him. He still loves her.

Michelle wasn't so sure of her relationship with Nathan anymore. She turned to look at Nathan who was fast asleep. He was there for her, he was the father of her baby. He loves and protects her.

She wouldn't want to hurt him. No, she can't hurt him.

She laid back in bed and tried to get some sleep.

So many updates in what?..2 hours?
Just wanted to make up for all the times I kept you all waiting😉
Can someone guess what's going to happen next?
I'd like that.
Until the next chapter 😘

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