Chapter 28

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Michelle stayed in the hospital for two more days. She was discharged when the doctors confirmed that she was okay to leave. Leah took Michelle to her house.

Everything looked strange and unfamiliar to Michelle. She couldn't recognize anything. She felt so lost not knowing who she was or where she was.

Leah took her to her bedroom so she could get settled in. Michelle stared in her room for what felt like hours, trying to remember something, even if it were just a flash of memory, but she got nothing making her get frustrated. She went to bed not bothering to come out of the room for the rest of the day.

Michelle woke up the next morning and went into the bathroom to freshen up. She got dressed in a cream button-down long-sleeve shirt and jeans, she put her hair up in a ponytail before heading downstairs to the living room.

When she got there, she saw Leah with a baby in her arms. The baby was crying and Leah was trying to calm her down.

"Good morning," Michelle greeted, making her presence known. Leah turned to her.

"You're awake."

"Yeah," Michelle replied, taking a seat on the couch. She kept staring at the baby in Leah's arms wondering whose baby she was.

"Whose child is this?" She couldn't help but ask.

Leah was unsure if letting Michelle know that the baby was hers would be a good idea because she had no idea how she was going to take the news. She thought of ignoring the question, but on the other hand, the doctor had advised that Michelle needed to be around her loved ones to help her regain her memory.

Michelle kept staring at the baby with much interest, trying to figure out if she knew the baby. Maybe she was a younger sibling or something, since the woman before her claims to be her mother and she looks very comfortable with the child.

Leah sighed before speaking.

"The baby is yours."

Michelle was shocked to find out that she was the mother of the baby.

How could she be the mother and can't even remember? This was getting frustrating.

"My baby?... With whom?" She quietly asked.

"With your fiancé, Nathan."

"I have a fiancé?" Michelle asked surprised. This is getting complicated.

"Yes. The man who brought us home from the hospital is your fiancé."

That man is her fiancé? And he couldn't even look her in the eye. How is that even possible? Is this woman telling the truth?

"Where is he?" Michelle asked.

"He went on a business trip," Leah half lied not wanting to tell her that she had asked him to let Michelle live with her.

"Oh. Okay." she quietly replied.

Michelle didn't know how to take all that she was hearing. She wanted to know who she was. She doesn't want to feel helpless like she first felt in the hospital.

"Would you like to hold her?" Leah asked bringing Michelle out of her thoughts.

Michelle wasn't certain if she wanted to hold the baby, but at the same time, there was this sudden urge to hold her. So, she nodded a 'yes'. Leah smiled and handed the crying baby over to her.

Once the baby was in Michelle's arms, she felt a strong bond with the child.

"She's beautiful," she said as she cradled the baby.

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