Chapter 20

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Michelle and Nathan were at his house watching a movie. He had chosen the movie 'The Conjuring' to frighten Michelle on purpose. She couldn't sit by herself to watch the movie because it was too scary.

Nathan offered her the option of sitting on his lap which she didn't decline. She sat on his lap and he wrapped his arm securely around her waist. Michelle would hide her face at the crook of his neck whenever it got to a really scary part. He chuckled at her action because she looked so cute. Michelle hid her face in the crook of Nathan's neck until the movie was over.

"It's over," Nathan informed her. Michelle slowly removed her face from its current position and pouted at Nathan like a child.

"It's not fair... Don't ever do this or else I won't be watching any more movies with you," she complained.

"I won't, I promise," he replied with a smirk.

"Take that smirk off your face," she said giving him a gentle nudge.

Michelle wanted to get off Nathan's lap but noticed that he wasn't letting go of her waist. She noticed he was staring, she couldn't help but stare back.

He has a really beautiful face, she thought to herself.

Nathan's eyes were now staring at Michelle's lips, then back to her eyes. He licked his lips making Michelle stare at it with so much interest. He slowly leaned in and connected their lips.

Michelle never expected a kiss from Nathan who was big and manly to be this soft and gentle. He continued the kiss, removing hair away from her face so he would have a better feel of her cheeks. He kissed her with so much passion like it was something he had always wanted to do.

Michelle had no idea why she was reciprocating the kiss. Nathan hesitantly pulled away from the kiss, staring at Michelle with so much love in his eyes. At that instant, she realized what had just happened and immediately stood up from his lap. She turned her back to him because she was embarrassed by what she just did.

"This is wrong." she quietly said.

"I'm sorry I forced myself on you... It's just that I couldn't resist it anymore, Michelle... I've done that for years now but nothing has changed. I only feel more attracted to you each day." he explained, also getting up on his feet.

Michelle was confused by what Nathan just said.

"What are you talking about?" She asked now turning to face him. She had a look of confusion.

"Michelle, I.." Nathan started. He took a deep breath because he needed a lot of courage for what he was about to say.

"I'm in love with you Michelle... I've been for a very long time."

Michelle stared at Nathan with wide eyes. She couldn't believe he was confessing this to her.

"I fell for you from the very first day I saw you. I couldn't help but think of only you... All these years I've tried keeping in what I felt because you were with my brother... That was why I moved to New York."

The look of surprise on Michelle's face was even more now that he confessed to moving away because of her. He used to live here in Washington when her relationship with Derek just blossomed. She and Nathan were close friends but suddenly, he decided to move to New York because of work.

How come he was only telling her now that she was the reason he moved to New York?

"I tried getting into different relationships to help me get over you but it didn't work,"

"Why are you telling me this now?" She asked as she felt her heartbeat quicken in anticipation of what Nathan was going to say.

He sighed deeply and moved closer to her, running his hands over her face.

"I don't know, Michelle... I honestly don't think I can keep up with this friendship... I want to be something more than a friend to you," he said, cupping her face in his hands as he stared deeply into her eyes.

"I know you've been through a lot for a couple of months now. And you've shut the door to your heart not letting anyone in. I want to be able to defend you at all times. I want to protect you against all odds. I want to love and care for you the right way... I don't want to be just a friend to you Michelle, I want to be more than a friend. Please let me into your heart... Give me a chance to love you."

Michelle didn't know that she was already in tears until she felt Nathan wipe the tear on her cheek with his thumb.

"Nathan, this is too much for me to take in," she quietly said.

"I need more time to think... Can you wait?" She asked the last part in a whisper.

"I've waited for a long time now.  Waiting a little longer won't hurt," he replied with a sad smile before pulling her in for a hug.

Michelle went home that day thinking a lot about Nathan's confession. She still loves Derek a lot, and her feelings for him haven't changed one bit. But Nathan, Nathan is also an attractive guy who cares a lot about her and always looks out for her best interest.

He reminded her so much of Derek. The way he cuddled, the way they played during his leisure time. She cared a lot about him too and those lips, how she loved those lips.

Michelle was in a dilemma. She felt frustrated for not being able to make a simple decision. She decided to just go to bed and sleep over it, maybe when she woke up she would have decided on what to do.

Hello Lovelies
I want to say a BIG thank you to you all for making The Billion Dollar Contract pass 500k reads. I'm so happy I feel like crying.
Love you all so much cos I and my sister wouldn't have done it without you.

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