Chapter 35

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Michelle still didn't want to believe what Derek said. She was still in doubt until they got to the hospital, and she realized that Derek was right, Nathan was in the hospital. When they got to the floor where Nathan was being treated, Michelle saw Rebecca and her husband. She was crying and Mr Howard was comforting her, his eyes held so much pain as he was trying his best to stay strong.

Derek asked his dad about Nathan's condition. He was told that the doctors were still operating on Nathan, they hadn't gotten any recent news and had no idea when the surgery would be over. They waited for two hours, but the doctors still weren't done with the surgery.

Michelle was still in shock, she couldn't believe that Nathan got into an accident just after seeing her.

Why did this have to happen now that she decided to forgive him?

She regretted taking so long to forgive him. She should've listened to him all those times he had tried talking to her. This was all her fault. This happened because of her unforgiveness and indecisiveness.

They were waiting in the hallway with much anxiety when they noticed the doctor come out of the operating room. He walked up to them. Rebecca and Michelle abruptly stood up from their seats.

"Doctor, please tell me that my son is okay," Rebecca said with the hopes of having a positive reply.

The doctor's face held no emotion which worried them. With the looks of it, whatever he had to say wouldn't be good.

"Nathan was in really bad shape when he was brought here," the doctor began.

"Doctor, all we need to know is how he's doing now," Michelle said already impatient. The doctor turned to her and said

"He suffered a severe blow to his head due to the accident, and because of that he had a brain hemorrhage."

"Oh my God!"

"We couldn't continue with the surgery on his brain because we didn't want to lose him. He lost a lot of blood... We would have to place him on life support for now and observe if any damage was done to his brain stem."

Michelle shook her head continuously, trying not to believe all that the doctor just said concerning Nathan's condition. Rebecca could barely stand on her feet.

"So what are you trying to say, doctor?" Derek asked.

"The patient in question can barely breathe on his own as the oxygen supply to his brain is minimal, but his vital organs are still functioning... We have to observe him to know if his brain stem is dead because it looks like the brain stem was badly affected and might be damaged."

Michelle was already in tears. She couldn't hold it in any longer.

What was the doctor trying to say? Was he saying that Nathan is barely alive or what?

"Does that mean that my baby is going to make it?" Rebecca managed to ask through sobs.

"I can't say for now. It all depends on his battle for survival and we'd have to wait and see if his brain stem would function properly on its own."

This was more than a heartbreak for Michelle. This meant that there was a possibility that she would lose another important part of her life. She doesn't want to go through that again. The last time she did was when she lost her dad. Nathan just has to make it, he shouldn't die and leave her and their daughter alone.

Rebecca couldn't control herself. She was crying hysterically. She didn't want to lose Nathan, not her baby Nathan whom she promised to protect from harm after he lost his parents. He was her strength. She has no idea how she would continue living without her baby.

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