Chapter 38

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Michelle was done packing. She decided to spend the night at her mom's place. They had dinner and were in the living room when the doorbell rang. A maid went to get the door, it was Derek. It seemed he drove here from his office because he was still in his suit.

Michelle wondered why he decided to come see them at such an hour. He could've waited until tomorrow. He wasn't obligated to come see them every day.

"Hi," he greeted.

"I went to your place but I was told that you were here.. I came to see you, Michelle."

"I'm sorry, I should've told you that I was going to move back to my mom's place." she apologized.

"Why?... Is something wrong? If you have a problem there, you could've just told me and I'd have rectified it, not moved out like that... I noticed you've already moved some things," Derek said, pretending not to be aware of her plans to leave.

He didn't want it to look like he was only here because his mom told him about her plan to leave. He honestly wasn't here because of his mom.

"Derek," Michelle began.

"I.. um. I've decided to move out of Washington." She said, as she stood up from the couch and walked towards him.

Leah just sat on the couch, watching both of them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about it earlier... I was planning to-"

"Michelle, you don't have to go... I need you and Sandra here," he said.

Michelle felt bad because she knew how much Derek loved Sandra.

"I need to forget about everything, Derek... I'm still overwhelmed by everything that's happened," she replied.

"And Sandra?... She has also been through a lot and you know how much she needs a father figure in her life."

"I know that Derek but please think about me too."

How was he going to convince Michelle to stay?

"I had wanted to ask you this, but I don't know how you'll take it."

"What is it? She questioned.

"I want to be Sandra's father," Derek said.

Michelle was surprised but she tried not to show it.

"You're her uncle and her family... You'll always be like a father to her."

"You don't understand, Michelle... I want to adopt her. I don't want to be just her uncle... I want to be more than that to her. I want her to grow up knowing me as her father since my brother is gone... I know I can't take his place as her real father, but please let me do this for Nathan's sake and also for Sandra."

Derek's words made Michelle have second thoughts about leaving. He was right, Sandra needed a father and Derek was already acting as one.

"He's right, honey... How would you feel if Sandra grows up and questions you about her father? I know you wouldn't have a problem telling her the truth about all that happened, but it would be really hard for you because it will make you recall your past. You wouldn't want to go through such an amount of pain... And to be honest, I don't want you to leave." Leah said.

She had been listening to Derek and realized he had a point. Nathan is always going to be Sandra's father, nobody could take that away from him by blood.

But who's more worthy to be Sandra's father after Nathan, if not Derek?

He had always been there for Sandra, who now sees him as a father.

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