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3rd person POV:

Sophie, Hayley, and Rebekah are walking through the Bayou looking for the bodies of the dead witches.

"So, this Harvest thingy—- tell me more," Rebekah said.

"Klaus sid to wait," Sophie reminded the blonde. 

"Yes. He also said to stay out of the bayou and yet here we are, amongst the crawly, buzzy creatures," Rebekah pointed out. 

"We're here," Hayley announced. The three of them observed the scene in shock. The bodies were bloody and ripped apart, and a dismembered head lies near the bodies. Sophie, who looks sick, kneels down to dig around her bag for the ingredients she needs to consecrate her fellow witches. 

"Whoa," Hayley said. Rebekah and Sophie followed her gaze, and their eyes widened. There is a huge paw-print in the mud. In a nearby tree, there are three bloody scratches in the bark.

"Is that a wolf track?" Sophie asks nervously. The three hear the sounds of crunching footsteps nearby. 

"Who's there?" Rebekah calls out. The person approaching them is a male vampire-– Marcel's informant, Tomas.

"What the hell? An Original?" Thomas gets scared, and immediately vamp speeds away, leaving the girls standing and gaping in shock. 


When Amelia woke up she was surprised to find that she was still in Rhea's kitchen. She stayed still, listening for other heartbeats in the room but she heard none. She quickly got up and spun around, double checking to make sure she was alone. She sighed in relief, when her suspicions were confirmed. Then her eyes registered on the scene in front of her. Rhea was laying on the floor, and knife sticking out of her chest. Damien was laying near his mother, a large stab wound in his chest. The Original looked over and her hands flew up to her mouth. There was Scott laying on the floor, dried blood on his neck. He had slit his own throat. Amelia felt tears run down her cheeks, but she ignored them. She ran over and pulled the knife out of Rhea, sobbing. 

"No, no, no, please, Rhea wake up," Amelia begged. She knew however that the witch was beyond saving at that point. She suddenly remembered why she had been there in the first place, her mask. She vamp sped to the nearest mirror, and was relieved to see her mask was still on. She ran her fingers through her straight, brown hair. She watched for a moment, looking to see if there was any flicker of her old self, but her mask held fast. She smiled and looked back at the three dead witches one last time, before quickly making her way out to her car, and heading back to New Orleans, crying the whole way there.


Marcel had just failed to move Davina from the attic, and he was quite frustrated. He was on the way out of the door when Father Kieran stops him. 

" Now what? You just gonna leave her up there for anybody to find?" Kieran asks. 

"I'm not in the mood, Kieran," Marcel says, turning around.

"You were supposed to get her out of New Orleans after the Harvest. We failed those other three girls, we didn't fail her! That is why I came to you for help. That was the plan," Kieran reminded him. 

"Plans change," Marcel retorted. 

"Especially after you found out how powerful she was," Kieran said. 

" Let's get something straight-- for eight months since you left, I've been running this town just fine. I don't need you coming back and gettin' in my business. I will do what I want, where I want. Got it?" Marcel questioned.

"You wanna be the boss? You wanna call the shots? Fine. But I call the shots with the humans. And you don't wanna make an enemy of me. So, I would suggest one thing—- stay away from my niece," Kieran demanded. 

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