Forty Two

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A/N: This chapter was a rough one to write because I literally had no idea how I wanted to end this book, but now I do. Side note, there's only two chapters left after this one and So here's the chapter that I was supposed to get to you a week ago, enjoy.

3rd person pov:

Life turned to hell pretty fast, as if if could get even worse.

Amelia stood in the courtyard of the compound with Klaus, Elijah, and Genevieve as an unconscious Hayley laid on a table in front of them.

She had suddenly collapsed in the street earlier as the four of them as been walking in the funeral for god knows who at this point. Amelia didn't particularly care for whoever it was that was in the casket, so she just went along because Hayley was going to be there.

It made her suspicious when Genevieve was so willing to help Hayley, after everything that's happened in the past couple of weeks.

The redheaded Heretic watched with worry for her friend as Genevieve performed a spell on Hayley to pull her out of whatever it was she was in.

She fingered the pendant around her neck, the same one she had worn the the gala all that time ago, the the Klaus has given her. It was an anxious habit she had picked up recently.

In that moment, fate decided that Amelia hadn't been tortured enough. Suddenly a brilliant golden light shot out from the necklace, encasing her.

She pushed on the golden bubble around her, but it was rock solid. She doubled over as searing pain shot through her body. She looked at her arms to see red scratches covering them.

Her gaze briefly met Klaus' before she collapsed, her mind becoming trapped back in the dark room with the mysterious voice.

"Amelia!" Klaus yelled as she fell to the floor limp. He pounds on the shell around her, but it holds fast. He desperately tries to get through, but every attempt is met with the same result.

Amelia was trapped inside that golden shell and there was nothing he could do about it.

He turned back to Elijah with despair in his eyes. First his child was going to die, and now Amelia. Elijah nodded to him in reassurance but it did nothing.

Genevieve continued to chant, ignoring the situation behind her as she focused on bringing Hayley out of her magical trance.


Amelia shot up with a gasp, only to find herself within the dark room that haunted her in her dreams. She pushed herself to her feet and winced as she brushed her arm.

The scratches on her arms were still there. That was new this time around.

"My darling, did you really think you could escape me so easily?" The voice asked. It reverberated off of the walls, making it sound like it was coming from all directions.

"I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but you won't get away with it. I got pulled out last time, I'll get pulled out this time," Amelia called out into the darkness.

"My darling, there is nobody to pull you out. The beauty of the curse is that your body is trapped. They can't reach you."

"Curse? What curse are you talking about?" Amelia asked, ignoring the fear that ran through her at the thought of being trapped in this room forever.

"A long time ago, I got my hands on that necklace. I placed a special curse on it, one that no witch could ever detect. I decided that today would be the perfect time to use it," the voice explains.

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