Thirty Six

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To say Klaus was enraged was an understatement. Genevieve had just showed him all of the betrayal his family had committed against him, and not only that he had placed doubts of Amelia's true intentions in his mind. It didn't help that she looked very similar to her, which only fueled his rage. 

Amelia, Elijah, and Marcel arrived outside the sanitarium as quickly as they could. Amelia stared up at the large building, her hopes of finding Nik and Rebekah in time slowly diminishing.

"We should divide the building. I'll start at one end, Marcel at the other, and Amelia in the middle," Elijah said. They both nodded and then made their way into the building. Amelia scoured the middle of the building. Occasionally hearing Nik scream Rebekah's name, but there were so many rooms that it was difficult to pinpoint where he was. 

She bumped into both Marcel and Elijah a few times, before suddenly Nik's screams came from right under her. She vamp sped down the stairs and into the room directly beneath her to find Nik raised Papa Tunde's blade above his head, ready to stab it into Rebekah.

"Nik!" Amelia cried, and then suddenly Elijah was there, and redirected the blade into Nik's chest. 

"Go. Both of you. Run as far and as fast as you can. Run!" Elijah ordered, and Marcel and Rebekah took off. Amelia rushed over and took Klaus' hand in hers, squeezing it, assuring him that she was there.


Amelia sat next to Klaus who was laying in his bed, the blade still embedded in his chest. She had begged Elijah to let her take it out, but he had refused. Said something about not wanting him to kill Rebekah, but she knew that keeping him here like this, would only make it worse.

Elijah came into the room with a blonde woman, and Amelia raised an eyebrow.

"Who is this?" The redhead asked.

"This is Camille, she's the bartender at Rousseau's," Elijah said. Amelia remembered her face, and gave the blonde a large smile. She had never been properly introduced to the woman. "Camille, this is Amelia, my sister and Klaus' partner." Amelia pressed her lips together at that. They hadn't really had that conversation yet, but she guessed it was safe to assume that his statement was somewhat correct.

"Hi," Camille said. "You can call me Cami."

"Well then, hello Cami," Amelia responded. Elijah then proceeded to explain the situation that Klaus was in. Everytime Klaus would groan in pain, his grip on Amelia's hand would grow tighter.

"The dagger the witch gave me is inside of him?" Cami asked, after Elijah had finished his explanation. Elijah nodded in responde.

"And every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering," he added.

"Who stabbed him?" Cami asked.

"I did, and now I intend to remove it. You might want to take a step back," Elijah said. Cami looked shocked, and Amelia assumed that she hadn't really dealt with this sort of thing.

"Why am I here?" The blonde questioned.

"Because of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one besides Amelia, he wouldn't immediately slaughter," Elijah answered. He uses a scalpel to slice into him along the red scar bisecting his chest, before jamming his fist into the open wound to grab the blade. "Also, he speaks of you with what is a rare degree-- for him, at least-- of respect. I can see you challenge him to see himself and others in a new light." Elijah pulls the knife out of Klaus, and immediately Klaus groans in pain.

"A wonderful skill that I shall be counting on very shortly. You see, Niklaus will be weak as he recovers. So, watch over him and feed him, if you would. But slowly, please, and from your wrist," Elijah told her. Amelia wasn't particularly fond of Klaus drinking so slowly from another woman, but if it meant he would get better, she would have to deal with it.

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