Thirty Two

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3rd person POV:

Amelia was now waiting in the backyard of the plantation house. She was surrounded by Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah and Father Kieran, all standing under umbrellas due to the heavy rain. She was standing under an umbrella with Klaus, his arm wrapped around her waist, as she held the umbrella for them. She cast a glance over at Hayley, who was sharing with Elijah to find her gaze focused on the ground. 

"Did you find them?" Klaus asked Rebekah as they stood there. She nodded, and then Klaus continued. "Will he bring her?"

"He'll bring her." She told them solemnly. They all looked over to Father Kieran, who had his eyes locked on Klaus. 

"Are you ready to do this?" Kieran asked. Without a word, Klaus removed his arm from Amelia and pulled a knife out of his pocket. 

"Always, and forever," Klaus said and the he made a slice in the center of his palm. The blood dripped on Esther's grave as he passed the knife to Rebekah, who did the same. Elijah copied his siblings, and Hayley who was standing in for the baby also cut her palm. Kieran took the knife and threw it in the grave. 

"It is done," he said. Klaus nodded his head, and then rinsed the blood off of his hand with the rain. 

"Come on, we have a ritual to attend," Amelia said quietly. Everyone nodded, and they started making their way to the cemetery.


The first thing she saw was the bodies of three dead girls, lined up on the ground. They each had a slice on their throat, and their eyes were closed. It was rather haunting and Amelia hoped that whatever was about to happen would happen quickly. Amelia stood under the umbrella by herself, as Klaus chose to stand in the rain, his hood protecting him. They were only waiting for Marcel to show up with Davina. Moments later he did, a trail of fire following behind him. There was a pit of dread that settled in Amelia's stomach, but she ignored it. Davina stood by herself in front of the three girls and Sophie approached her. 

"Do you believe in the Harvest?" Sophie asked. Davina nodded.

"I believe," she said. As the words came out of her mouth, Sophie raised the knife and slit Davina's throat. The rain stopped, and the fire extinguished as soon as the girl was dead. Marcel caught her and held her, as the group watched the magic flow out of her. That's when the pit of dread consumed Amelia's body. She could feel that something was wrong, and tears were already rolling down her cheeks. It took all of her strength to keep from collapsing on the floor, but still her shoulders slumped, and she almost fell. 

"After the Harvest comes the Reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones," Sophie said looking up at the sky. Amelia watched in despair when nothing happened, and the rest of them look around at each other uneasily. "We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones..." Still, nothing happens. Sophie becomes flustered and is near tears. "Resurrect your chosen ones... Please? I beg," When it becomes clear that something has gone wrong, Sophie falls to her knees and sobs. "No!" Amelia stood frozen in her spot. She could hear small sobs coming from both Rebekah and Hayley. She looked over and saw the look that Marcel was giving Klaus. She turned away and her eyes landed on Elijah who had turned away and put a hand over his mouth. Amelia heard Marcel vamp speed away, and then Klaus follow him but guilt, and grief wracked her body making her unable to move. She felt a hand on her back and she looked up to see Elijah standing next to her. The minute he saw the tears in her eyes, he pulled her into a hug. Amelia practically melted into him, enjoying the comfort that he provided. After a few moments, she pulled away, nodded at those who remained and then vamp sped away. She was met by talking coming from the study, and Amelia slowly walked in. 

"I knew Elijah's plan was mad, but I really thought it would work," Rebekah said. The two Mikaelsons looked up at the redhead but she didn't spare them a glance. Instead she poured herself a glass of scotch and downed it in one go, pouring herself another. 

"So did I. I was sure Davina would survive. There was so much life in her," Klaus replied to his sister, but his eyes were on Amelia who finished off her second drink, pouring herself a third, and then walking out of the room. 

"What about the power? Four were supposed to rise, and none did. Where did all that power go?" Rebekah asked. 

"I have a feeling we'll find out soon," Klaus told her. He stood up and then followed after Amelia. He found her in her room, sitting on the bed, head in her hands, sobbing. Amelia heard his footsteps but ignored him. 

"Love, what's wrong?" He asked. 

"I knew Nik. I could feel that something was wrong, but I didn't say anything," Amelia said. Klaus kneeled in front of her, and took her hands in his. 

"This isn't your fault Lia," Klaus told her. 

"If I had said something, Davina may still be alive. Heck I could have probably done the ritual myself," Amelia said. Her face fell at that, and Klaus processed her words. 

"Yes maybe you could have, but if you had said something, the Harvest wouldn't have happened, and all of New Orleans would be destroyed," Klaus told her. Amelia wiped the tears from her face. 

"You're right, there was always a chance that this wouldn't work, and I knew that. I guess I was just really hoping it would. Davina didn't deserve this," Amelia said. 

"I know, love," Klaus said quietly. Amelia stood up and walked over to her wardrobe, putting her coat inside of it. She felt arms wrap around her waist, and she rested her head against Klaus' shoulder. 

"Something big is about to happen. That power didn't just disappear," Amelia said. 

"We'll be ready when it comes," Klaus said. Amelia nodded and then removed herself from his arms, walking away to find Hayley.

I know, short chapter, but I promise that I'll update at least one or two more times this week. I am so excited because the next few episodes are so fun to write. Be prepared because Amelia is going to be so badass, and I'm so ready for it. 

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