Twenty One

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Amelia made her way back to the Mikaelson Mansion in a daze. Klaus had made her promise to go and stay safe for the evening. She opened the door and made her way inside.

"Hayley?" Amelia called. Elijah walked out of the living room to greet her, eyes growing wide when he saw her face.

"Ameliana?" Elijah breathed out in shock.

"Hey, Eli. Where's Hayley?" Amelia replied. Elijah just raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Elijah said.

"Where's Hayley?" Amelia asked again. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know where she is," Elijah said.

"You what!" Amelia cried. "How could you not know where she is?"

"How do you know Hayley?" Elijah asked.

"I'm Amelia," the redhead told him. Elijah's eyes widened.

"Well that was unexpected," Elijah said.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that Hayley isn't here. We need to find her," Amelia said. Elijah nodded in agreement.

"I'll call Rebekah," Elijah said.


Elijah calls Rebekah from the house, Amelia pacing behind him with worry. She answers from the road while she is on her way out of town.

"Goodbye means goodbye, Elijah," Rebekah said.

"Is she with you?" Elijah asks anxiously.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Rebekah asked.

"Hayley's gone. Where is she?" Amelia yelled from behind Elijah.

"WHAT?" Rebekah exclaimed. Klaus anxiously walks into Hayley's room and joins Elijah and Amelia.

"Marcel was here," the hybrid informed them. Elijah looks stunned, and absentmindedly drops the phone from his ear. Amelia put her hand in her hands. She was going to murder the king of New Orleans if he was responsible for this.


Hayley awakens in the trunk of an SUV with her wrists bound as it drives down the country roads of Louisiana. She tries to kick out the back window to escape, but the driver stops the car and gets out to check the trunk. When he opens it, he tries to grab her, but she fights back by kicking at him. She's shocked to find out that it's Tyler Lockwood.

"Seriously?" Tyler asked annoyed.

"Tyler?" Hayley asked confused.

"You don't wanna fight me, Hayley. You know you can't beat a hybrid," Tyler reminded her. He uses zip-ties to bind her ankles so she can't run away.

"Ahh! Let me go, you backstabbing half-breed piece of shi--"

"Shut up!" Tyler yelled, interrupting her. Tyler pulls Hayley out of the trunk and throws her over his shoulder. As he walks down the road, his hybrid face comes out as he angrily drags Hayley into the Bayou.


Amelia was pacing back and forth in the courtyard of the Abattoir, with Elijah and Klaus watching her. Some of the vampire fighters are milling around the compound.

"Not the most attractive community, are they?" Elijah asked.

"You do realize they can hear you?" Klaus responded.

"You do realize, I don't care," Elijah replied. Amelia ignored the boys, and continued to worry about the whereabouts of her best friend. Marcel appears, followed by some vampires, and the witch, Sabine.

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