Thirty Eight

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Klaus was now sitting by himself on a nearby tomb, the now bloody white oak stake in his hand.

"You missed my heart," Rebekah said, coming out from behind another tomb, but her statement was more like a question.

"Perhaps I did. Or, perhaps I never meant to kill you. Perhaps I just wanted you to feel a fraction of the fear I felt when Father came for me," Klaus responded.

"Do you yourself know the truth?" Rebekah asked.

"I know this. You accuse me of being evil, and yet you are the one who conspired to kill your own blood," Klaus said.

"You made our lives a living hell. You tormented us," Rebekah told him.

"I love my family-- You, Elijah. I loved all of you," Klaus said, it just then dawning on him that he had not seen her since earlier. He walks toward Rebekah and looks her in the eyes. "I know I can be difficult, but I did not make myself this way. It was Mikael who ruined me."

"He ruined me, too. That's what you forget. Centuries later, each of us is broken. You with your anger and paranoia, me with my fear of abandonment. And poor Elijah," Rebekah said. She looks over at where he's laying, Papa Tunde's blade still stuck in his chest. "He dedicates himself to everyone but himself. We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet, we are damaged beyond repair. We live without hope, but we will never die. We are the definition of cursed. Always and forever."

"Perhaps we are," Klaus agreed. Tears ran down both of their cheeks, but they remained staring at each other.

"I am truly sorry, Nik," Rebekah apologized. Klaus looked at her but said nothing.

"Where is Amelia?" He asked, and Rebekah looked down at her shoes in guilt.

"She should be waking up soon. I snapped her neck," she answered quietly.

"You did what?" Klaus cried.

"I had every intention of going out and killing you, and I know she would have tried to stop me. I couldn't have that so I snapped her neck. She is fine, and she should be awake soon. She's over there, in that tomb," Rebekah said, pointing to the tomb where Amelia's body was. Klaus looked at her, and the vamp sped over to the tomb.

He picked her body up, and then sat down on the ground, cradling her.

"My love, what would I ever do without you?" He asked. "I am sorry for doubting you. That witch got in my head. I will not let her do it again. I love you." He ran a hand through her hair and held her close, waiting for her to wake up.

Amelia heard his words, but kept her eyes shut, not wanting to show him that she had awoken quite yet, but she grew impatient. She slowly opened her eyes to see that she was lying on Klaus' lap with one of his arms supporting her head, and the other resting over her stomach.

"Ah there you are," Klaus said, smiling at her.

"Are you done trying to murder your siblings?" She asked as she set up. Klaus moved her so that she sat with her back pressed against his chest, in between his legs. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin rested on the top of her head.

"For now, I suppose," he answered. Amelia leaned her head against his chest and sighed.

"I love you too," she said quietly. Klaus shifted so that they were now facing each other. He grabbed her face and pressed a tender kiss to her lips, and Amelia felt a tear splash onto her face. She pulled back and opened her eyes to see that there were a few stray tears falling down his cheeks. She wiped them away with her thumb and then kissed him again. "I also forgive you for doubting me. Genevieve is a bitch, and I do not blame you for doubting me. But trust me when I tell you that I have no intentions of ever leaving again."

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