Tarot Cafe

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Welcome to Tarot Cafe, dear one.

My mother's side of the family came from a bloodline of psychics. They are healers, prophets and spiritual leaders in the community.

My mother had prophetic dreams and she passed her psychic gifts to me which came from her mother and her grandmother's mother and so on. I had prophetic dreams ever since I was young and this skill is very useful especially when I dreamed about my close friends needing my help when they are having a hard time.

I seem to have the ability to say the right words and the right things to inspire and encourage them to never give up in their life and their dreams.

I sense it when my bestfriends' soulmates are coming and I tell them right away to mentally, emotionally and physically prepare themselves so that they would be ready once they meet them.

I read tarot cards for strangers in my dreams. Even in the spiritual world, I'm still doing my job lol.

I am also interested in Jungian Psychology and Eastern and Western Philosophy. I have read a thousand of novels on my freetime. Yes I am not joking and I'm struggling from migraines and astigmatism.

I think helping people understand their destiny must be my life purpose. I want to crack open our subconscious fears, lay it out in the open for us to heal and understand why we are the way we are. I will use this talent for the good and to heal the hearts of the general collective.

I hope my journal could help you in your spiritual journey, too, like it did me.

Yours truly,
Parisian Moon

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