Pile 2: The Teddy Bear Charm

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Teddy Bear Charm

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Teddy Bear Charm

You have the archetype of the Underworld. This is fraught with nightmares, suffering and pain. Try as you might, the darkness pulls you into its depths through disturbing dream images, unexpected accidents, illness, conflict and ultimately death.

You could be easily offended and hurt due to past abandonment and loss. You are terrified of being rejected that you could become controlling and jealous. You don't know what it feels like to be secure and often have twisted beliefs about love.

 As a result, you never really give their heart to anyone and you can be very difficult person to love. Your partner might try to fix you and help you, but it often ends with more heartache. You are often stuck in the past and are reliving an old trauma. 

You seek relationships to feel whole, but as your relationship develops you suffer anxiety and fear of loss. As a consequence, you are often in and out of relationships, and you never seem to settle down.

You are living with disappointment and regrets. You are a person that is hard to please, the glass is always half empty. You look at the negative in every situation. You also find it hard to begin something new, as you seem to always be stuck in the past.

 Emotionally, you are finding it hard to cope and you are often playing the blame game. You have little self-love and rarely look after your health and well-being. You need to deal with the loss and grief in your life and realise that life still has plenty to offer you.

 You might be someone with a victim mentality, focusing on your regrets, loss, and failures. You are someone who is an excellent friend when your friend's life is in turmoil as you understand what that feels like.

You have feelings of sadness, and it is often unresolved grief from childhood. You might be from a broken family or a divorced one. You might have suffered from abandonment issues. 

Maybe, you experienced physical, mental, and emotional abuse from the people who should be protecting you, your parents and your guardian, for example.

Denying your shadow side is what gives it dangerous power. Experiencing this archetype will make you bow humbly to the greater forces that be, while summoning the inner strength you previously underestimated.

Facing darkness and choosing light is the most profound thing of all.

I know you are a very strong person and I applaud you for trying your best day by day and never giving up on yourself.

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, please seek help from a mental health professional. You don't have to do this alone. It's time to release your emotional pain and suffering.

It's okay to be like this.

Everything is going to be alright.

People experience this from time to time. All life and relationships generally come with pain. Once you are at the rock bottom, there is no other way but up.

Despite this, reach for your passions and your dreams. Get yourself motivated about life again. Don't escape from your problems and be brave in focusing them head on. Get yourself back on track.

Light Attributes: bravery, depth, facing of deepest fears

Dark Attributes: denial, suppression, evil, unconsciousness

Proffessions: Heart Surgeon, Plastic surgeon, grief counselor, pharmacist, chemist, scientist, bartender

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