Pile 5: Peace Charm

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Peace  Charm

To those who picked the peace charm, your crush thinks that you are very intelligent and you have a unique perspective of the world.

Your mind is moving, shifting, shimmering and changing. This person can't comprehend how your mind work and you are very unpredictable because your perception is so balanced and they don't know what you would do next.

You are eccentric and artistic. You come off as joyful and magical but can have a very busy mind and have difficulty concentrating.

You are kind, gentle, courageous, passionate, strong, self-confident, patient, and compassionate. You are strong enough to be loving and caring, even when others are acting as if they don't care.

You have great inner strength and leadership abilities. You forgive and you care a lot about other people and sometimes it stresses you out. You are a mediator, a diplomat who is good with words. You are regal and beautiful. This crush may be sexually attracted to you because of this.

You might come off as indecisive when you only want to play fair and come up with the best decision for a particular situation. Very balanced. You are not the type of person who appears as he/she is at first glance.

You know how to calm your mind so that wisdom can shine through. Your crush thinks that you are a good person but it seems like you are hiding something from them. It's like you are creating illusions for everyone else pretending that you're so kind and peaceful but actually, two-faced and good at manipulating people.

I don't know why but you might be holding back from showing romantic affection towards this person, keeping your interests restrained. Or it could be the other way around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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