Pile 1: Crown Charm

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Crown Charm

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Crown Charm

Your crush thinks that you are instinctual and a dreamer. You act regal like a queen.

The person likes that you know your worth and your flirting styles are subtle but it made a huge impact on him/her. He/she is attracted to you and this person thinks you are popular and unique that you rise above anyone else in their eyes. 

You are a person who is full of passion. He/she thinks that you have a sixth sense. Maybe, you are an introverted type. You can handle big crowds, lots of travel and stimulation but it drains your energy. 

He/she thinks you are an artist, telepathic and spiritual. You are very creative and may be fashionable. 

You easily stand out from a crowd and you are very beautiful whenever he/she see you. This person always sees you smiling and always happy. This person sees you as girlfriend/boyfriend material. 

He/she likes that you make the first move and is very reciprocating of playful banter. You make them happy and you bring something into their life that wasn't there before. You make them feel like there is intimacy, soul mate connection between the two of you and he/she thinks that the both of you are highly compatible. 

This person likes the smell of your perfume and your voice is beautiful. You are fun to be with and you make them feel good by telling them what exactly they need to hear.

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