Pile 1. Zodiac Sign Libra Charm

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Libra Charm

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Libra Charm

For those who picked the zodiac sign Libra charm, you could be the type of person who seeks for fairness and justice at all costs. 

You could be a person who has a hard time making decisions because you balance the pros and cons. If your emotions and logic don't match, you might become imbalanced and struggle with polarity or extremities.

You could be an air sign, specifically Libra, or you could have air signs dominating in your birth chart. You could be a fire sign or has lot of fire signs in your chart. You are passionate and intelligent.

You have a personality type of the Crone. You have a difficult time tolerating superficial, petty, day-to-day musings. You move away from relationships and seek a deeper path even if it means a solitary life. People who picked this pile could be single since birth or single for quite a while by choice.

You have seen it all. Nothing frightens or surprises you. You might appear cold, calm and stoic. Because of having to deal with misery, death, disappointment, rejection, anxiety, failures and conflict, you are able to regenerate and rebirth like a phoenix rising from the ashes, giving you the ability to rise above the world of duality.

 Your main purpose in this world is to always level up and impart wisdom to those people who have undergone the same experiences as you so that they would know how to deal with it easier. You have been there and your wisdom is much needed in this generation.

You laugh at the notion of good and bad, right and wrong as you have seen reality of the cycle of death and rebirth. You accept devouring beauty and suffering in the same mouth using this energy to reveal hidden secrets and knowledge. You might have an interest with the occult, life's mysteries, the universe and magic.

You know how the world works and can predict the future by recognizing patterns. You process the patterns in your environment unconsciously and when the situation where the need of that particular information arises, you are quick to make snap judgement because of your intuition. 

Follow your gut feeling. It won't let you down. Don't waste time doubting yourself or thinking you are not good enough. Because, you have the power to make anything you want happen and very quickly and easily, like magic, once you set your intentions and do the necessary steps to achieve the results you want.

You are self-assertive, direct, and good with money. You are brave and can be valiant in your endeavors. You are powerful and intelligent and can be a good business man or entrepreneur. On the negative side, you could become very self-absorbed and if not reigned in can become too bold and angry when someone triggers you.

You are intense and you stop at nothing to achieve your goal. Your energy bursts like a sparkling flame when you decide to take action and you will never hold anything back. You are very committed, isn't afraid of change and you also like to travel. 

You study well and you are great at achieving academic success. You live in the fast lane and fun to be around but you are not easy to keep up with. People get glimpses of you from time to time before you disappear into the sunset towards your next adventure. 

You juggle many things at once and expect to see immediate result. Patience is not your strong point and sometimes you easily lose motivation when your first burst of flames die out.

Professions: entrepreneur. cartographer. wealthy business owner. inherits family legacy. real-estate agent or broker. international business owner. optometrist. pilot. computer programmer. web designer. multi-tasker. exercise instructor

Positive Aspects: magic, clairvoyant, psychic, intuitive, wise

Dark Aspects: vindictive, bitter, controlling, isolated, ostracized

Other Archetypal Characters: Hecate (goddess of magic), Baba Yaga, Lilith

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