Pile 1: Pumpkin Charm

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Hi Beauties!

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Hi Beauties!

To those who picked pile one with the pumpkin charm, this group is interested in the woo-woo stuff. Your favourite holiday is Halloween, you know, like interested in trick-or-treating, going to horror houses, obsessed with horror stories and is also interested in ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches and magic in general.

You like to read and write paranormal and horror genre here on Wattpad. You probably like cats. Especially the black ones. You could like cold weather and staying inside the house when it's raining or snowing, lying in bed all day, being cozy.

Anyways, back to the original question of "Should you trust this love interest or not?"

I'm not really sure of which energy I'm picking up right now but someone in this connection is very abundant, perhaps single and has his/her finances under control. He/she is rich and from the outside and this person could seem like whatever he/she wants this person could get.

He/she is very popular or somewhat famous within their community because of his/her intelligence, skills and capabilities or maybe this person comes from a well-off or rich family. 

I hear the word entitlement and inheritance, dunno why. 

This person could have a very eccentric hobby and most of time the person is in his/her own world minding his/her own business. This person doesn't notice that he/she is someone's apple of their eye. There is a hopeful energy here. I think someone is crushing on the other way too hard and there is a huge difference between social statuses.

Or it could also be someone was putting the other person on a pedestal. Or like they are afraid, someone is afraid that they are being led on but still looking forward to where this situationship is headed. Someone in this connection is always second guessing themselves. 

They hope but they try not too expect too much.

This seems like there is a work/career vibes in here. This could be a colleague or something. Something happened in the job. I think this is getting specific I don't know if this will resonate to everyone who picked this pile. Someone in this connection got laid off from the job because companies are having a hard time right now due to Corona. Or the company you are working for went bankrupt or encountering some problems. Someone could be contemplating of resigning from their job. Perhaps, you are not satisfied anymore about what's happening. Or someone is stuck in a job they really don't' like. They are staying because it pays the bills.

 Anyway, reevaluate, change your perspective or you could quit but you got have a Plan B prepared, okay? Please, please, please think this through and don't be impulsive. You are highly encouraged to use your wisdom, experiences and follow your intuition. If you get so confused with too many choices, weighing the pros and cons, please follow your intuition. 

Think this through very carefully. Whatever your decision as long as it makes you happy, you follow through it. You only got one life to live. Don't waste it with doing things other people want you to do. Do what you want to do.

If you want to have your own business or self-employed, you could. You could follow your passions, create a concrete plan and follow through with it.

Anyway, someone in this connection doesn't really need a lot of money to survive. They just want to live with simplicity, without conflict because they don't need external validation from things to know that they are enough. They are only interested in the things they need and buy things they want occasionally. Or you are encouraged not to show off and live simply.

Perhaps, you or this other person is living the simple life because they couldn't afford a lot of things.

Anyway, trust your intuition. If you feel by the way that that the other person in this connection is only interested in you because of money or image and status because you seem to have it all (please keep in mind that masculine and feminine energies could go the other way around), then it's time to evaluate this person if he/she is really worth it.

Perhaps you didn't know each other that well and is only focused on the external, the outward appearance and the things that come along with possessions like a house, a job, money and a car.

Keep in mind that these things are not the only stable basis for a relationship to work. But of course, you and this person could enter in this relationship as long as they could add meaning and value to your life emotionally, physically and mentally.

Don't rely on mere appearances or how they look like. Find what's inside and get to know each other completely before deciding to commit to a serious relationship.

Use your spider senses.

P.S. And if your finances are not in a good condition right now, please spend money wisely.

Paris Moon

Look forward to Pile 2 tomorrow. :)

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