Pile 3: The Key Charm

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Key Charm

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Key Charm

You are grounded yet heavenly. Practical yet spiritual. You see challenge hardship or a bump in the road as an opportunity for development.

You don't fear death, illness or misfortune. You have big gentle eyes. You look toward the future and see the road ahead. trusting every turn.

Life is a precious gift for you.

When in balance, you are trusting and have a pure presence. When out of balance, you are restless and lack gratitude. You may be religious or spiritual.

It could also be that you are afraid to reach others for assistance when you are having a hard time especially when it comes to finances.

You don't give up easily and you are independent. You are used to doing everything by yourself.

Your crush may or may have not seen all of your positive qualities because he/she thinks that no one cares or understands you.

This person thinks that you might have a low self-esteem and this has affected on how your crush views you. You believe that you are basically invisible and he/she doesn't want you.

He/she thinks that you need to learn how to love yourself.

If you ever confess to your crush how you like them, you will probably get rejected.

This person looks down upon you (maybe there is a difference on social status or you didn't reach this person's romantic relationship standards, I dunno), so they aren't a good match for you anyway.

You might feel unloved and unappreciated by them.

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