Pile 2: London Bus Charm

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London Bus

To those who picked the London Bus charm, some of you could live in London or currently staying in United Kingdom or England

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To those who picked the London Bus charm, some of you could live in London or currently staying in United Kingdom or England. You might have a fetish for British accents in movies. You might like to travel and is interested in History. You could still be a student at a school or University. Or you could be building a career right now.

I really sense a lot of energies in this pile so take it as how it resonates.

I sense that the other person in this connection could be too young for the other partner. I also sense that for the others of you who are in the mid-thirties or forties, they could be the same age as you.

 You could have met each other at a party, at a club, a meet-up within college friends and social circles, house gatherings or at a drinking session. You could have met each other because of mutual friends or you already knew each other since childhood. 

There is also work/career vibes in here with someone older, perhaps a boss or a manager, someone who has a higher position than you. This person could flirt a lot or tries hard to impress you and woo you. I see people drinking, people on the table chatting. Hanging out with work colleagues.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are strongly making themselves known in this reading.

He could be a very busy man, well-established in society. Acts like a father figure and tells you what to do. Bossy and intense. He is very direct and straight to the point. Wise, he knows his work very well and proud of his expertise. He might have a tendency to brag or being a know-it-all. 

He knows a lot of things that's why it might come off as arrogant when he's too stubborn to admit his errors because he thinks he's always right just because he is older and has lots of experiences compared to you.

He might have a large and a masculine body and he has the word ' alpha' written all over his face. He could have a beard or has gray hair if he's older than you.

This person could work with his hands or manual labour. He works very hard and overcame a lot of challenges and obstacles because of his dedication to be successful and his intelligence. This is a stable and responsible man who has a great burden to carry on his shoulders.

Someone in this connection is passionate, perhaps a little too fiery, that it comes off as a control freak. He prefers to micromanage people, places and things in his life. He feels safer when he masters something and makes it his comfort zone. 

Workaholic. He could be a family man/husband material if you want to marry this type and create a patriarchal/traditional household. He could be mature for his age. He likes to dominate his partner in every way. His way or the highway.

If he does not get his way, he could get verbally abusive. He is a little bit narcissistic, emotionally unavailable and moody on the negative scale of the spectrum. He could appear balanced but he has a dark side you really don't want to see or he's trying his best to keep it under wraps and not show you.

This person could be your husband. This could be someone who used to be your high school sweetheart you met at a reunion. This could be your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband. Someone from the past. 

Anyway, I really hope you are not involving yourself with a married man. Please don't involve yourself in a third party situation. Not worth it.

If he gets carried away with his rage or gets physically abusive, please RUN and stay away. If it's possible, move across the continent away from this man.

The advice from the rebel deck is...

"It's dark and you can't see a fucking thing. Get your head out of your ass. Pronto."

I wonder why.

 I guess this is your warning sign.

I sense way too much energy in this pile. Hope this reading still resonates tho. 

Look forward for pile 3 tomorrow.

Yours truly,
Parisian Moon

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