Pile 4: Zodiac Sagittarius Charm

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*this reading has become a rant and not solely focused on your love interest but please read this because this is important*

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*this reading has become a rant and not solely focused on your love interest but please read this because this is important*

To those who picked pile 4 which is the zodiac sign Sagittarius charm, maybe you have your Sun, Moon, Rising in Sagittarius or this is the zodiac sign (sun, moon, rising) of the other person in this connection.

Sagittarius is significant here; you or the other person may have a lot of this zodiac sign in yours or in their chart.

You might have been involved with a player or someone who isn't ready to be in a relationship or someone who values their freedom.

This must be a friends-with-benefits or situation type of thing.

You might have undergone a break-up or some kind of major realization that shifted your life and your perspective about love.

You have suffered from a lot of hardships, the tower and relationships you have built repeatedly upon yourself always crumble down because it didn't stand in a strong foundation.

The ground wasn't stable enough so it crumbles again and again no matter how hard you try.

It feels like you are going in circles and you haven't figure out your lessons yet. You can't do the same thing all over again and expecting the same results.

You're going to suffer in this cycle if you don't break free from it. It's not only about you but also this has been the karmic cycle of your ancestors.

You must understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses and how you're going to try new solutions to solve this same old habits and patterns.

When you were but a small child, when was the first time you ever felt abandoned by your parents?

How much do you love yourself?

Ask yourself these questions and reflect.

You have to know so you will be able to heal and overcome this fear. I know you are almost there. You're almost close to the end game. 7, 8, 9 there is progression here.

Love yourself first.You don't need anyone else to validate you but yourself.

Don't need external approval from the outside because that is a very shaky ground to stand on. It's like you are measuring your worth to how others view you or treat you. That is every dangerous and you will lose your sense of self.

Do you know who you are?

You might have suffered from co-dependency. You are a giver. I know you are a very abundant person and users attach themselves to you because they know. They deplete you of your love and abundance as they fill their own cups while you are running low on empty. They don't give back because they are selfish.

You walk along mile, help the one you love and cross oceans for them.

I hear the song "Grenade by Bruno Mars". Check that song out.

You know your past lovers were happy for your efforts, they feel appreciated but none came so close to ever reciprocating your love or giving back the same love and effort you give them.

They ask favours from you and you have a hard time saying no. Whenever your boundaries are crossed you just put a big smile on your face and agree to their requests.

Saying yes when you feel like saying no is self-abuse. You don't mean what you say and you might start hating yourself and blaming the other person.

Now is the time to take responsibility for your words and actions. You shall not be a victim anymore.

Take back your power.

Mutual love is give and take. You work so hard to make other people happy and they don't even have the same dedication as you.

Again, this will create resentment that's unsaid and this might lead to depression when you feel like it's always not good enough.

You cling to them with every fibre of your being and do whatever it takes so that they would need you as much as you need them.

You say 'yes' because you don't want them to leave and abandon you so you do everything, being their 'servant' just so they wouldn't leave.

You could be vulnerable to manipulation and people might take advantage of your kindness because you give a lot in this relationship.

Be open to receiving.

Darling, these selfish motherfuckers, they didn't really love you for who you are. They love you because of how you make them feel good and important. They want their ego stroked when you do things for them they never asked you to.

They never asked you to.

In this connection, they only do the barest minimum minimum and they laugh at you for trying so hard. And their ego skyrockets when they feel like they are above you.

They treat you poorly and didn't respect you. They put you down just so they could feel better about themselves.

When you fight back, they turn their backs and walk away as if the things you did, didn't matter. As if you don't matter.

Now, resentment has built up and you exploded. You tell your lover how you really feel, you lash out because you feel used and now, they pull away because they didn't expect that from you since they thought you are just a meek lamb.

And then, they would say they don't know the real you, that you are just putting on a mask and then they leave you. It hurts you because of how ungrateful they are.

Now you have placed really tall walls covering you, protecting yourself and not letting anyone else in because you are afraid of getting your hurt again.

You are very wary of new people coming into your life. You don't open up or it takes a lot for you to be in a relationship again.

You are tired of narcissists who only think of themselves, using you for energetic supply, manipulating you. You are tired of this bullshit.

You might have attracted a lot of energy vampires, narcissists, entitled motherfuckers and emotionally unavailable people who only wanted to take from you.

Now is the time to stop chasing for other people's love and appreciation.

Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will evade you, but if you notice the things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder.

Please, you have to leave this limbo.
I know you can do it. Respect yourself.

Don't depend on others to make you feel whole and complete.

Do it for yourself. Rest and recharge.

Don't let other people take over your life. You are in the driver seat. No one has the power to control you.

Take back your power because this is your life. Don't let people affect you or make you feel you are not good enough and doubt yourself.

You need a big fucking hug from all this toxic shit you went through.

I'm sending you virtual hugs right now. Break the chain and know what love truly is.

Yours truly,

Parisian Moon

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