I Think I Believe You Now

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(Image not mine)


I don't understand what's happening. I was in Narnia until after nightfall, but I come back here and no time has passed at all! And what's worse is no one seems to believe me. I already explained to them that the wardrobe led to Narnia, a place covered in an eternal winter where I met a faun named Mr. Tumnus in the woods. But the looks on their faces made it obvious they thought I was lying.

That is except for Y/n, her face looked confused as if debating between choosing logic or choosing to believe me. It was like she knew I was telling the truth but didn't know how it was possible.

Peter and Susan decided that the only way to prove that my story was real was to check for themselves. So here we were, knocking on the wood of the back of the wardrobe, no Narnia in sight. I stood next to Y/n, watching the others poke around.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan explained.

"One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination."

The four of them began to walk away, "But I wasn't imagining!" I cried desperately.

They turned to me, Y/n looking at me in pity. "That's enough, Lucy." Susan scolded me.

"I wouldn't lie about this!"

Edmund stepped forward, "Well I believe you,"

Clearly both Y/n and I thought he was the least likely to say that, "You do?" we both asked.

"Yeah, of course," he looked between everyone, laughing, "Didn't I tell you about the field in the cupboards?"

Y/n sighed and Peter turned to him, "Oh will you just stop. You just have to make everything worse, don't you?"

"It was just a joke,"

"When are you gonna learn to grow up?"

Oh dear. "Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" Edmund shouted in his face before running out of the room. I pitied him but there was no need to yell like that.

Susan glared at Peter, "Well that was nicely handled," then she ran after Edmund.

I decided to try one last time. "But... it really was there."

He turned to me. "Susan's right, Lucy. That's enough."

After he walked out I turned to Y/n, desperately hoping she would understand. She still had that confused look and stood there watching me for a moment before shaking her head and turning around.

"Wait! I know you believe me, right?"

She stopped in front of the door and looked at me, then up towards the wardrobe and back to me.

"I want to, really. But you have to understand it sounds pretty hard to believe."

And with that, she left.


I felt really bad for not believing Lucy earlier, I should have at least comforted her. But I was confused, her story made absolutely no sense but her eyes showed that she was telling the truth.

I set my hairbrush down on my dresser and walked over to my bed. Sliding into the sheets and laying down, I attempted to fall asleep. But with the possibility of Narnia being real running through my head, I just couldn't, so I ended up staring blankly up at my ceiling.

Suddenly a tap, tap, tap was heard from my bedroom door, effectively startling me out of my wits. I could've sworn everyone was asleep. I climbed out of bed and grabbed the candle on my nightstand then started making my way to the door. I was reaching for the handle when I heard a whisper.

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