Aslan's Camp

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(Image not mine)


Summer was returning to Narnia and I am very, very thankful. My clothes dried rather quickly after our river mishap and the snow had melted in most of the forest we had walked through. Now, in the large field, the Beavers had led us to, there were no traces of winter remaining. In fact, flowers and trees were in full bloom everywhere you looked. Even though the new weather was very nice, I was more so interested in the massive sprawl of red and gold tents that laid in the center of the field.

Y/n tapped my shoulder and pointed up at the man blowing into a curved horn atop a hill on my right. It took me a moment to notice that only the top half of the figure was a man and the other half was in fact, a horse. A centaur, I realized.

"They're just like in my books!" Y/n quietly squealed next to me. I laughed at her behavior and faced forward again to follow Peter and the Beavers into the camp.

Lucy ran up next to Y/n so the four of us formed a line as we walked forward. There were many more centaurs and fauns here, as well as pigs, horses, cheetahs, dogs, and even dogs. I met their eyes and watched as they all stopped what they were doing and stared as we walked past them.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Y/n questioned.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy giggled. Peter laughed from the other side of me.

The deeper we walked into the camp the more creatures swarmed behind us, waiting to see what we would do. I figured we would be a pretty rare sight as the only humans in Narnia and as the kings and queens of The Prophecy. We approached the biggest tent at the end of the main path and the Narnians spread out, forming a large half-circle around us. Next to the tent stood a strong centaur who looked like he was in charge.

Peter pulled out the sword Father Christmas gifted him and raised it toward the tent in some kind of salute. "We have come to see Aslan,"

The centaur looked at him for a moment before turning to the tent. The crowd murmured and I waited for someone to emerge from the flapping doorway. I wondered what kind of person Aslan would be if he even was a person. Maybe he was a centaur too, or a faun, or maybe a bear. Before I could wrap my head around the possibility, the crowd behind us began to move. We turned around to see the rows of Narnians kneel down with respect towards the tent. Just then, a large tan paw stepped out of the door, quickly followed by the most majestic lion I had ever seen. He looked at us with gentle eyes and a small smile, and I couldn't help but return it.

Y/n knelt down next to me and everyone else quickly followed suit. "Welcome, Y/n, Daughter of Eve." She looked up, "Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam." He did the same, "Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve." Lucy and I raised our heads, "And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks."

The two furry animals bashfully nodded. Aslan continued, "But where is the fourth?"

We rose to our feet and Peter answered, "That's why we're here, sir. We need your help." He sheathed his sword.

"We ran into a bit of trouble along the way," I explained.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch."

"Captured?" Aslan questioned, "How could this happen?"

When we didn't answer, Mr. Beaver spoke up, "He betrayed them, Your Majesty"

The crowd murmured and shifted behind us and the centaur by the tent shouted, "Then he has betrayed us all!"

"Peace, Oreius." Aslan commanded, "I'm sure there's an explanation."

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