We're Back?

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(Image not mine)

(Two Years Later)

Peter is 33, Susan is 32, Edmund and Y/n are 30, Lucy is 26, Elaine is 4.


"Love, you can't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's cheating!"

Y/n huffed and put her knight back where it used to be. My solid gold chess set proved to be a good investment these days, and it was fun to teach Y/n how to play. Even if she cheated often.

"Y/n, that's the third time today." Susan scolded from her spot on the couch.

Y/n ignored her and moved a rook a couple of spaces, taking out my knight. "Ha!"

I used my queen to take out her rook. "Ha."

She groaned, "That was my last good piece!"

"Maybe you should use a different tactic, Y/n." Lucy was sitting in a chair at the table, waiting for her turn against the victor. "It kinda sucks."

"I don't have a tactic."

"Ah, that makes sense."

Before Y/n could yell at her, Peter burst into the room, startling Susan so much she almost fell off the couch. "It's back!"

"What's back?!" I questioned.

"The White Stag! Mr. Tumnus said he saw it just now! We can catch it if we leave now." Peter was already out the door and running back down the hall.

"We can finally have our wishes granted!" Lucy cheered. "We can find a cure for the disease in the west!"

"And fund more schools!" Susan leaped up from her spot on teh couch and chased after Peter.

"Come on, Elaine!" Y/n scooped our daughter up from where she was playing with Laura. "Let's go hunting!"

"Bye-bye, Aunt Laura!" Elaine waved to the tiger.

I hurried after them out the door, Lucy right behind me. By the time we reached the stables, Peter was already on his horse and impatiently pacing around. I quickly hauled myself into the saddle that Philip wore and met Peter at the gate. The girls were still busy getting on their horses, mostly concerned with making sure Elaine was properly secured.

"You girls wait here, I'll catch the stag myself." I grinned, trotting towards the exist.

"Oh, sure. Like that'll happen." Y/n jumped onto her brown horse, her green dress and cape fanning out around her.

She and the other girls quickly caught up to Peter and me, the six of us galloping toward the woods. Narnians cheered when we passed them on the streets, all of them a blur given the speed we were going. I could just barely hear Elaine cheering and whooping behind me, loving the fast-paced chase.

"There it is!" Peter yelled, pointing to the White Stag at the edge of the orange forest.

The six of us wove through the trees, dry leaves crunching under the horses' hooves as we chased the stag. We all spurred our horses faster, all of the girls passing me quickly given that their horses were a lot faster and younger than Philip. Elaine waved to me as she passed and Y/n smiled, both of their dresses flying behind them dramatically.

I noticed Philip slowed down after a short while, eventually coming to a stop. His heavy breathing concerned me and I leaned down to place a hand on the side of his neck.

"Are you all right, Philip?"

He panted slightly before turning his large head towards me. "I'm not as young as I once was."

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