Edmund is Back

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(Image not mine)


A horn sounded from the edge of camp and my stomach dropped. "Susan!" Peter yelled.

We both sprinted down the hill in the direction that the noise came from, Aslan trailing behind. Peter led the way through the camp and a grove of trees before we saw Lucy and Susan in a tree. Two wolves were jumping to bite at their feet and Susan and Lucy were screaming.

He splashed through the river and pulled out his sword, "Get back!" He yelled.

I waded into the water and watched as the wolves stopped jumping to face Peter as he pointed his sword at them. I could tell he was scared, he was stiff and holding his sword oddly. I needed to hurry but this dress was really heavy when it was wet and it was slowing me down.

"Come on." A wolf snarled, I recognized him as the lead wolf from before. "We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you."

"Peter!" Susan shouted, "Watch out!" She pointed to the other wolf slowly circling him. Peter swung his sword towards the wolf but back to the leader, trying to decide which one to point it at.

I reached the other side of the river just as Aslan leaped over it and knocked the circling wolf down. Honestly, I should've asked him for a ride. I looked behind me and saw Oreius and other Narnians coming to help but Aslan stopped them.

"No! Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle." He looked directly at me and I let go of the pipes hanging around my neck. I felt bad not helping but at the same time, I knew Peter had to prove to himself he could do this.

Peter looked at Aslan and I before turning back to the other snarling wolf, "You may think you're a king," The wolf crept forward, "but you're going to die..."

It leaped onto Peter and shouted, "Like a dog!"

"Peter!" Susan, Lucy, and I screamed in unison.

The wolf lay on top of Peter, both unmoving. Lucy and Susan jumped down from the tree and we ran over to him. I pulled the wolf's body off of Peter and watched as the boy sat up shakily. We all stared in surprise at the dead wolf, Peter's sword impaled in its chest. Susan and Lucy pulled him into a hug and I stood up, chuckling.

Aslan released the other wolf from under his large paw and it scurried into the trees.

"After him," He turned to me, "He'll lead you to Edmund."

I nodded and turned to Oreius as he trotted over to me, holding out a hand to help me onto his back. Grabbing it, I smiled and jumped on, holding on for dear life as he and the other Narnians sprinted after the wolf. We hurtled through the forest and I watched it grow darker and colder the further we went. The Witch's power radiated through this part of the forest and snow covered the ground.

"Get ready," Oreius warned, "We're nearly there."

I held the pipes to my lips as we entered the enemy's camp and our group quickly attacked anyone who came close. There were creatures here I hadn't seen yet, minotaurs, polar bears, strange demon-like creatures, and animals I didn't even know the name of. I blew into the pipes and willed the branches of the trees to create a barrier between us and the Witch's forces. The light twisted through the branches as they bent, creating beautiful designs in the trees. There were a couple of enemies still inside the barrier but Oreius quickly took them out with his longsword. I looked forward and saw the dwarf from the castle running away from someone tied to a tree.

"Edmund!" I called as Oreius stopped in front of him. I leaped down and Oreius cut his ropes with the longsword. "Are you all right?"

I crouched down and examined his face for a moment before taking off his gag. "How did you find me?" He questioned.

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