Our Coronation

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(Image not mine)


Tomorrow we were going to be crowned kings and queens of Narnia and I was panicking. I paced my tent, thinking about how I betrayed everyone and there was no way I deserved to be king. A week ago I would've accepted the spot of King without hesitation, just to be better than Peter. But now I doubted my ability to govern the people I had helped hurt, and it was eating me up.

"Edmund!" Y/n called and stepped into the tent.

I stopped mid-pace and looked at her, she wore a forest green dress and a red cloak that swayed behind her when she entered.

"Hey, Y/n," I greeted and continued to pace.

She frowned and walked over to sit on my hammock, "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

I sighed, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Well you're worrying so I am too." She stubbornly laid back on my pillow and stared at the ceiling.

Realizing she wasn't going to give up I huffed and fell onto Peter's hammock, "I just don't think I should help rule Narnia. I've made so many mistakes already and I've only been here for a couple of days!"

She sat up abruptly and faced me, "I can't believe you're saying that! Even though you sided with the Witch at first you came back to us and you fought for Aslan. You were a key part in winning the battle and showed real leadership, the Narnians trust you to rule. I know I do."

"You shouldn't trust me, not after what I've done," I whispered.

"Don't forget I came to the Witch's castle with you, I'm guilty too. But we're both on the right side now, and we both care about the fate of Narnia and everyone in it, right?"

I nodded. "Then that settles it." She stood up and sat next to me on Peter's hammock, "You're not a bad person, Edmund."

"How can you know for sure?"

"Because you're worried about being one." She smiled.

Those few words seemed to melt my worries away and a weight lifted off of my chest. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was enough. I smiled at her before abruptly yanking her into a hug, burrowing my face into her shoulder, and trying my best not to let the tears fall out. Y/n chuckled and hugged back, rubbing small circles onto my back comfortingly.

After a moment of silence she giggled, "You know, I originally came here to tell you that the feast had started,"

"What?!" I quickly pulled back, "You mean they're eating without me?! They're going to eat everything before I can!"

"You and your food," She laughed and stood up, "Well, let's go!"

I quickly grabbed my cloak and we ran out of the tent. Halfway there I stopped and turned to her, "Hey, Y/n?"


I grinned, "Thanks for being there for me through everything."

"What are friends for?" She playfully elbowed me and sprinted down the hill, "Now, hurry! We're gonna miss dinner!"

Not wanting to waste another second, I raced Y/n the rest of the way.



Standing in my new bedroom in Cair Paravel, I admired my reflection in the mirror. My shiny red dress fell down to the floor, even in my short heels. Around the neckline, sleeves, and waist there were beautiful hand-stitched white designs made up of leaves and vines with ribbon-like lines weaving through them, resembling my magic. A matching cape clasped around my neckline and trailed past my feet, shimmering at the slightest movement. I swished the fabric around and smiled giddily, feeling like a princess from one of my books. I quickly let go of the dress when someone knocked on my door.

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