The Pirate Queen

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(Image not mine)

(One Year Later)

Peter is 28, Susan is 27, Edmund and Y/n are 25, Lucy is 21.


"Are you certain it was pirates?"

"Yes!" Lucy insisted, gesturing to the ruined ships in the docks. "Only pirates use this kind of artillery, Peter."

I sighed and turned to the bear who reported the pirates, "Were you able to see their sails or flags?"

He nodded, "No flags, Your Majesty. But there were massive blood-red sails."

I straightened involuntarily. "Lucy, are the others back yet?"

"No," She shook her head. "Another hour until they arrive."

"Right." I looked back at the bear, "Thank you, sir. Your information will help us greatly."

He bowed and I gestured for Lucy to follow me back to the horses. As we walked she tried to soothe the worried Narnians on the docks, assuring them that everything was all right. Once we were on our horses and out of the city, Lucy finally questioned me.

"What's so bad about red sails? You looked like you had seen a ghost when Mr. Bear described them."

"If I'm correct, which I suspect I am, those red sails are very bad news." I steered my horse up the hill to Cair Paravel. "We need to gather everyone to discuss the best course of action."

"You mean these aren't just your typical pirates?" She looked out onto the Eastern Sea, supposedly her domain, as if looking for invading barbarians.

"Definitely not." I spurred my horse into a gallop. "But I need to ask Oreius for his opinion."


The doors to the war room burst open, revealing Lucy in front of Edmund, Y/n, and Susan. "They're here, Peter."

"What's going on?" Y/n adjusted her pipes that had gotten twisted on the ride here.

Oreius and I looked up from our map of the Eastern Sea on the large table. "There's a threat coming from the Eastern Sea."

"Pirates?" Susan guessed, "We've dealt with their kind before, what makes these so different?"

They gathered around the map. I knelt over it and pointed out the tiny models of red ships on the map. "These are far more dangerous. A fleet of ships larger than any you've ever seen led by the most powerful pirate the seas have ever known. She's known as Queen Imana of the Rosiyo tribe."

"I've heard of her." Edmund put a finger on his chin. I noticed that he had grown some stubble during his adventure. "She's the one who annihilated the Telmarine fleet, right?"

"And captured some of the islands by the Seven Isles." Y/n added.

"Yes, and she's recently destroyed most of the ships in the city docks as well as stolen their trading goods."

"Trade is going to be horrible the next few months," Susan groaned.

"Poor Mr. Bear," Lucy muttered.

Edmund straightened, "What do we do?"

Oreius crossed his arms, "We cannot allow ourselves to look weak, we must go after her."

"You mean to fight the pirate queen?!" Y/n cried, "I don't know about you, but I think that sounds like a horrible idea."

"We don't want to destroy her, only bruise her as she did to us." I reasoned, "Get rid of a couple of her ships, steal some of her goods, but don't start a war."

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