Unexpected Addition

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(Image not mine)

(One Year Later)

Peter is 29, Susan is 28, Edmund and Y/n are 26, Lucy is 22.


Our ships had docked at a small trading island a little way away from The Seven Isles to restock on supplies and take a break from sea travel. I have always loved these breaks, especially since we've been at sea for over a year now. They allowed for a taste of home, fresh food, dry land, and a lot of space to move around.

I missed Narnia very much, especially Susan and Peter, but we needed to stay out at sea to keep away Imana as long as she was a threat. We trained some eagles to fly back and forth between us to deliver letters, this way we could keep in touch without taking weeks out of our traveling schedule to sail back and forth.

Our traveling schedule right now consisted of evading Imana's attacks, sneak attacks on the enemy's ships at night, aiding people that were hurt by her fleet, and restocking from time to time. We had earned quite a name for ourselves on the sea and many others greeted us with enthusiasm when we met them.

"I say we go out and explore," I suggested to our small group. "I have a lot of built-up energy from being cooped up in that boat for so long."

"Yes please," Lucy groaned and stretched her arms. "I'm dying to run around."

"What will we do? It's just a trading island." Laura led the way off the boat, Lucy, Edmund, and I behind her.

"Don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe shop in the market?"

"I'd love to join you girls, but I need to stay and oversee the plans for the next attack." Edmund stood at the edge of the boat and waved goodbye to us. "Don't get into too much trouble. I'm looking at you, Y/n."

"Oh, hush." I waved him off and stomped up the dock. "We'll be fine, you go do your war planning."

"Love you!" He laughed.

"I love you too!" I shouted.

The two girls chuckled behind me and I swiveled around to face them. "Do you know what this means?"

They shook their heads.

"Girls day out!"


Laura looked up from the ruins of a house she was standing on, "Y/n, you have a weird definition of 'girls day out'."

"Oh come on, who doesn't want to explore ruins for a girls day out? Besides, the locals say it's haunted, we just had to go." Lucy defended my odd choice.

"We might find something cool to bring back." I kicked away an old stone brick, revealing a small hairbrush. "Something more hygienic than this."

Laura leaped from one roof to the next, "It smells weird. Like this happened recently."

I looked up at her, "You mean these houses were purposefully destroyed?"

"The locals did say they had a few run-ins with Imana."

I scanned the ruins and sure enough, there were remains of cannonballs and boulders from catapults. One small house on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea caught my eye. It was almost completely intact, just the windows and doors were blown out. Something made that house special. I left Laura and Lucy to bicker about who got to keep a small mirror that they found and climbed over the rocks to the small house.

I could hear something inside was sniffling and shifting around, so I pulled out my pipes. As I crept closer to the door I realized these weren't the sounds of an animal, but the sounds of a more human creature. Maybe a dwarf?

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