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(Image not mine, credit goes to original artist)

(One year later)


"There's no way you don't like her,"

Edmund jumped from my sudden comment. He was leaning against the railing of a balcony in the throne room with his back towards me, watching Susan and Lucy try to teach Y/n archery. I leaned against the doorframe and raised an eyebrow at him.


"Y/n," I smirked, "You fancy her."

Edmund chuckled and turned to watch the girls again, I walked up and leaned on the railing next to him.

"I don't fancy her," Edmund sighed exasperatedly, "She's my best friend!"

"Friends don't look at each other like that,"

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ed, no one gazes at their best friend the way you do. You look like a lovesick puppy whenever you look at her."

"I don't look at her like a lovesick puppy!" He insisted, "And besides, she's the closest friend I've ever had. It's not like I'm going to look at her the same way I look at any of my other friends."

I scoffed, this boy was clearly in denial. "All right, describe her to me."


"Just do it."

He sighed, turning so his back was facing the girls and crossed his arms. "She's kind and accepting and has a fun sense of humor." He began.

"Tell me something I wouldn't know from meeting her once," I said.

He glared at me, "She prefers lots of butter on her toast, she taps something when she's anxious, she waters her plants every Wednesday, she picks out the seeds of her watermelon, she has a defensive tactic in chess, her nose gets red in the cold, her eyes sparkle when she talks about something she likes, she brushes her hair before going to bed, she always puts her arms under mine when we hug, she knows all the right things to say, her real smile is infectious-"

He stopped listing and his jaw went slack, "Oh."

I laughed, "Oh? That's all you have to say?"

Edmund rested his arms on the railing to face the girls again, not saying anything. I followed his eyes to Y/n who was struggling to shoot the arrow straight, even with Susan helping her. Eventually, she got it in the bullseye but had clearly used her magic to do so, so Susan and Lucy were scolding her. I chuckled, she was getting a lot better at her magic and didn't even have to use her pipes for small things, which was pretty impressive. Although, when she first got a hang of it she would go around growing flower crowns on people's heads all day.

"High King Peter, King Edmund," a faun walked in and held out a letter, "A request from the kingdom in the West."

I thanked him and took the letter, tearing it open in one swipe. Scanning the paper, my eyes widened.

"What is it?" Edmund questioned. I turned to the faun.

"Get the Queens,"


"What's happened, Peter?" Susan walked into the room followed by Y/n and Lucy. They walked to stand in front of me and Y/n naturally moved to stand next to Edmund. I tried not to smile at the two.

I cleared my throat, "A kingdom in the West has asked for help exterminating some dragons that have been terrorizing the citizens."

"Dragons?!" Edmund exclaimed, "Those are real?"

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