4) Closer

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Chapter 4 | Closer

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"May?" - Called Peter with no response - "maybe she is still at work" - he said

I look around, this place is nice, I can really sense a warm sensation in here, is cozy and it feels like an actual home, unlike where I'm staying or where I lived with Beck and his people, I wanted to ask Peter about why his aunt and not his parents, but I didn't know how to ask it in case is something bad.

"Zig" - called out Peter pulling me out of my thought

"Uh?" - I said confused

"I said we should go to the room to do the homework and watch the movie or movies if we can do more than one" - said Peter with a smirk, I nod and follow him with Ned

I was having a hard time with the homework, but thanks to Peter and Ned we got everything done in no time to get to the movie, Ned offered to go and get the popcorn done leaving me and Peter alone, I looked around while he was getting his computer ready for playing the movie.

"What is it?" - asked Peter

"What?" - I ask confused

"You know, you zoom out a lot, why are you looking around so much?" - asked Peter

"I'm...just looking...curious" - I said feeing embarrassed

"Is this different from like....your place?" - asked Peter

"Yeah, a lot" - I confess

"It seems like you are pretty secluded, I mean no much music, no TV shows or movies, what do you do to entertain yourself?" - asked Peter

"I just read books, comic books and draw" - I say

"You draw? That's cool, maybe you can show me sometime one of your drawings" - said Peter with a smirk

"Um...yeah maybe" - I said unbothered

"So...with whom do you live?" - asked Peter

"Is just me..." - I said and he eyes me weird....maybe it is weird a teenager living alone - "and my dad" - I added before he could ask anything

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