6) Expression

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Chapter 6 | Expression

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The week passed by pretty nice actually, the classes weren't that hard and if I ever had an issue with understanding something Peter was always there to help, Ned turned out to be a cool friend as well, Brad...I don't know...I feel a little weird around him, he smiles at me too much and always walks me around, but anyway...I found that that I have something in common with MJ and that is that we both like to draw, she mostly draw people in crisis but she is pretty good, she suggested for me to get in an art class, she wasn't part of the class but she told me that if I was unsure she would join the class with me and that is where I am with her right now.

We were supposed to be either painting or drawing a flower and capture the texture of it, MJ and I liked the black dahlia, she told me it because a murder case and I told her that it was my mom's favorite flower, she decided to do the drawing of one while I decided to do a painting.

"Can I ask you something?" - said MJ while we were working

"Sure" - I said while eyeing my painting to see what more can I add, I finished the flower and was doing a little green background with some details with white and orange, but I wasn't sure about the flower texture yet, I think it needed something more

"What is up with those necklaces you wear?" - She asked

"What do you mean?" - I asked confused

"Well, they are cool, but I been observing you" - she said - "I do that, nothing creepy" - she added right the way - "anyways, they look like...old and you look more modern, for some reason it doesn't click to me that you used them" - she explained

"Oh...well...it's..." - I bite my bottom lip suppressing whatever sadness I was feeling - "When mom died, the only thing I got was her jewelry box, it had 2 necklaces, an oval sterling silver necklace with an eliat stone and this silver heart locket with gemstones and the blue topaz, both are like family relics, they belonged to my grandmother and my great grandmother before her and so on, but they just make me feel like I'm closer to my mom" - I said

"Oh...sorry...I...asked" - she said feeling uncomfortable

"It's fine, also I like them, I mean the fact that they look like this is like they belong to another time and I have a part of history with me" - I said and look at the clock - "we better finish, we have 5 minutes" - I said and turn to my paint as she turns to her drawing

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