9) Tired

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Chapter 9 | Tired

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We arrived to Italy, I woke up to Peter shaking me gently telling me we arrived, he was so gentle and nice when he woke me that I didn't get nervous or anything, I was at peace really, I don't know what it is about Peter.

I also didn't realize we were holding hands the whole way out of the plane until MJ ask us about it and I let go his hand, he seemed sad about the fact but none of us say anything else about it, he got held behind by security about a dog sniffing his suitcase, I didn't have any problem with my bracelets as Beck made a false document explaining why I had them and of course it goes along with the lie I build around it, before the document was different, but after I told him about my scripts he change it up.

We got into a boat to go to where we are supposed to be staying, Brad help me get inside on the boat and I sit next to him, he was making conversation smiling at me and I smiled back some but felt a little weird now, I turned to one moment to look the other side and I swear Peter maybe was looking at me, but he looked away.

When we arrived to the place, Brad helped me out the boat, in one point he had his hands around my waist holding me and when I eyed at him confused he just told me he was helping me to not fall off, I said thanks and walked away, I saw Peter eyed at us looking like if the sun was bothering his eyes, we got inside this hotel that was like falling apart slowly it and was leaking looking like about to sink.

As soon as we were inside I got a text from Beck telling me where to meet him for our next strike, he send me a direction to my phone so I could use the map to meet him so when out teacher told us we would meet him at the museum at 3.

"Do you wanna go around with me?" - asked Brad with a smirk

"Umm...I actually have a favor to do for my dad, so...maybe tomorrow" - I said to him

"Oh...it's ok" - said Brad a little upset walking away

I let out a breath I was holding and decide to walk to the direction Beck send me, as I walk I see everybody around already having fun and I would like to do it as well, be normal, have fun, laugh, cry, get scare, mad...but I guess normal is not for me, so just keep walking and concentrate on my breathing to not get overwhelmed by my thoughts and then I arrived, it was like a big old church and get inside.

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