10) Glasses

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Chapter 10 | Glasses

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I get a phone call in my cellphone making me stir in my sleep and open my eyes, I look around and see MJ is in the room sleeping, I sit up slowly feeling a little better from today's strike.

"Zig, get that or I'm gonna physically hurt you" - said MJ

"Sorry" - I said and grab my phone - "I'm gonna take this outside" - I say

"Just let me sleep dude" - said MJ as I get out of the room

"Hello?" - I say answering the phone

"Hey little Zig, why don't you come outside, walk to your left, I'm expecting you in the 11 house" - said Beck on the other line and hang up

I let out a sigh and look around hopefully everybody is sleep, I get down to the lobby and see the receptionist sleep on the chair with his arms crossed over his chest, the man seems a bit old for the job and he was wearing sunglasses even at night, which is confusing but I brush it off and slowly walk out to not call his attention.

Once I'm out I walk to the direction Beck gave me knocking on the door of the 11 house on the left and in short he opens the door grabs me by the arm and pull me inside the house to be with him.

"Good job today, really top notch Zig" - says Beck

"Well...thank-" - I start to say

"I'm not finished" - he interrupted making me shut up - "all was good, except the part that when I give you and order you have to TAKE IT!" - He yells at me making me scare and get a shock that makes me kneel on the floor

"I'm...sorry" - I say between holding on the pain of the shock

"Thanks to our team, we could pull through your stupid feelings and do the job right, since YOU don't want to do it when I'm telling you TO DO IT!" - He says yelling some words making me get a shock each time

"I...say...I'm...sorry" - I say crying now

"Lucky for you, I had a reunion with Fury not so long ago and Parker was there, I'm guessing that he already has EDITH with him and is your mission to find that out and inform me about it" - he explains - "Look, Zig" - he said kneeling next to me on the floor - "we are in the middle of doing something great here and it's working, so in case your stupid brain can't process this, I'm gonna repeat myself, you are gonna find out if Parker has EDITH, which are for what Janice told us, a pair of glasses, once you see them all you need to do is send a simple text and tell me "he has them", I take it from there as to make a plan for him to give them to me voluntarily because God forbid if I ask you to do something to screw it up again" - explained Beck

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