7) Hand

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Chapter 7 | Hand

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After doing our homework to have the rest of the day and weekend off, May called us to go and have dinner, it was some spaghetti and meatballs, we all sat there and I heard them do small talk while eating but I was space out about everything they were talking.

"So...Ziggy" - said May to call my attention - "Peter told me you live with your dad, what he does for living?" - She asked

"He's a scientist, always doing research and things like that, that is how he came out with the idea of my bracelets for my circulation problem" - I say knowing that I could lie about them easily thanks to my script

"That's really nice, Peter here really likes science, I think he can do things like that and more" - she said proudly of him

"May..." - said Peter blushing and scratching the back of his neck

"It's true! Anyway, you are from Mexico, right?" - She asked and I nod - "that's cool, maybe someday we can visit you there" - she said excited and I just shrug, I didn't know how to answer that because they actually can't do that

"I finished, do you need help with the plates?" - I asked

"No, don't worry, I'll do that you are a guest" - said May with a smile

"Well...I'm gonna brush my teeth and change" - I say and stand up walking to the room

I grab my stuff and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and change my clothes then I look in the mirror and...I really can't believe I'm doing this to not only Peter but also his family, this woman is so nice and it gives me a warm feeling that reminds me of my mom which makes me sad sending me a shock from the bracelets making me grunt, I breathe to steady myself and I walk out but I stop on the hall when I heard them talking, I didn't want to eardrop what they were talking, but I did anyway

"Peter, are you sure Ziggy is ok?" - asked May

"Yeah May, he is always like that" - said Peter

"I'm worried, it seems like his body is here but his head is in other place" - said May

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