15) Peter

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Chapter 15 | Peter

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{{{{{{{{{{ PETER POV }}}}}}}}}}

<<<<<<<<<< NEW >>>>>>>>>>

A new boy appeared in class today and when I saw him outside the classroom looking lost I offered my help, he seem to not know much about anything as Ned and I talk to him, I thought he was Amish or something but didn't wanted to ask, unfortunately Ned did and I almost had a heart attack about it, but he also seemed confused about that, a part of me wanted to spend time with him, so Ned and me told him to come to my place so we could show him "Star Wars" and I was happy he agreed to come because I wanted to get to know him better.

<<<<<<<<<< CLOSER >>>>>>>>>>

I got out of the apartment to make sure that Ned arrived safe at his place, he lived close by so it didn't take long for him to arrive, now I wanted to check on Zig, I found him just in time when I see two guys surrounding him, I helped him and decided to walk him home, I almost let out that I was Spider-Man saying his name when he didn't say it in front of me as Spider-Man, but I could came out with an excuse when he asked, when we arrived to his place I told him to text me if he ever gets in trouble, I don't want him to get hurt...maybe that is why I didn't feel great about what he told me about his bracelets they seem to hurt him and I don't like see him getting hurt.

<<<<<<<<<< INTERACTING >>>>>>>>>>

I was talking to Ned about how it bother me when we saw Ziggy this first period classes with Brad Davis, he told me that maybe I was jealous of Brad, then Zig came to our table with Brad and when he took Ziggy's hand calling him "sweet" I realize that maybe Ned was right, I was thinking how I should be the one holding his hand and not him, I was also angry about the story of how Flash was messing with Zig, MJ was the one to ask why he didn't realize it was bullying, I wanted to tell her not ask something like that even more so when Ziggy shared that story about how his mom died, I wanted to reach for his hand, but he let go Brad's hand for some reason, I think it was because of those damn bracelets that hurt him, but at least he wasn't holding Brad's hand that made me feel better and when I ask him later walking to our next class if he was ok, he said he was, so that's good with me, but I still wanted to hold his hand.

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