Chapter 1

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He Was helpless.

He was helpless as he watched his comrade get dragged away.

He mustered up all his strength but could only say that much.
Along with the guilt, the pain, and the blood, came a dark feeling of nostalgia.

He remembered the time his foster brother fought the drunkard just to get his necklace back. He remembered how helpless he was. The blood that was splattered On the soft midnight snow.

He vowed, that he would never be weak, after that night. That he would never cry, after that night.

It all went down this evening.

"Well, Yuno of the Golden Dawn. I'll see you soon."
Said the cloaked raider.
He walked into the portal, dragging Asta's unconscious body by his hair.
Yuno's eyes widened before he launched his final attack.

"....Crescent Kamaitachi!"

Dozens of crescent shaped wind blades were strategically flung at the raider from above him, but almost like a boomerang, they all zipped through the air, returning to Yuno.

Just as he thought he was done for, a shield of strong iron appeared before him, and blocked his own attack.

"Yuno! Are you okay?!"
Klaus questioned from behind him.
Yelled Mimosa who followed him into battle.

They were gone, just as she yelled.

And Yuno couldn't protect him.


"How is he doing?"
"He's...still kind of traumatized. He'll have to be isolated for a while."
Owen explained to Captain Vangeance that even a slight push at the boy's emotions, and he could fall into despair.

Yuno woke an hour ago, and inquired about Asta. Mimosa apologized, and softly told him that he was kidnapped. Although, that's not what Yuno wanted to hear.
Keeping a deadly calm face, he broke almost everything in the Golden Dawn infirmary out of frustration. He was forced to sleep with Captain Vangeance's "tree of dreams" spell.
Even that wasn't easy.

"His friend, Asta, was kidnapped by 'Hell's Rouges' as they call themselves."
Owen said.
"They have no specific identity, they came to the light just a few years back."
"Why do you think they took that boy without magic, though?"
Vangeance forced the question out of his throat.

He was indeed a shy person, and would normally not ask such questions, but this time he didn't hold back.
Owen looked down at his feet, and watched them move forward and backward as he walked.

"He has a five leaf grimoire. It only appears in legends and myths. Maybe that's why."
Owen paused.
"......It's most likely not the reason. If it was, they could've just taken his grimoire."
"I get it."
Vangeance interrupted.
"They might use his body as a puppet, because a grimoire will be useless without it's owner."
They both slowly walked down the Golden Dawn's corridor in silence.

"I feel bad for that wind user boy."
Vangeance turned his head at Owen.
".....Asta had some severe broken arms. Even after that, he came to me with several wounds. He always spoke to me of that black haired boy."
"Yuno. It's Yuno."
"Right, Yuno.

I wonder what he feels about this."

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