Chapter 4

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It's finally evening. The Golden Dawn and the Black Bull's have met.

All the Golden Dawn were split into multiple groups, and so were the Black Bulls. The last group to leave was Hamon, Klaus, and Mimosa from the Golden Dawn, and Charmy, Gauche, and Vanessa from the Black Bulls. Yuno got to meet the last group.

"Bye, Yuno. Take care."
Came from Mimosa.
"Bye, Yuno! Have fun, hahaha!"
Hamon said cheerfully.
"....Yuno. Asta can come your way. It's definitely possible. Keep watch, got that?"
Klaus instructed.
The Golden Dawn got onto the steel chariot that Klaus made, and took off.
Came a shrill and loud voice.
"How are you, my meal-saving prince? Here! Made this cupcake especially for you!"
Charmy handed him a plain looking chocolate cupcake.
"Oh, by the way, Vanessa helped me make this cake! It'll heal you really quickly, it seems, La!"
"Hey there, boy."
Vanessa greeted from behind them.
"Have you got any leads on the kidnappers, Yuno?"
Vanessa asked. Yuno didn't want to disappoint anyone, so he stated,
"Well, the name has been figured out, and even their origin. We have a lead."
The four, including Gauche spoke for a while. Gauche mostly spoke about how happy he would be if Asta just disappeared. Yuno was clearly mad.

But, even they soon left.
Yuno was left alone, with Marx by his side.
"Marx-Sama. I have a request."
"Go ahead, Yuno."
"Can you take me back to the Golden Dawn headquarters?"
"Um, you sure? It's literally deserted. Not even your captain is there."

Oh, y'all might ask where Bell is. She's in a cage in Yuno's room. Lmao.

"Actually, bell is in there. It'll be fine."

Yuno walked down the long moon-lit corridors, to his room. He couldn't stop thinking about that dream he had. What if it's true? Asta looking demonic and all.
He remembered the fight that happened that day.


"So, you're patrolling here too?"
Yuno and Asta met in their single patrolling session at night.
"So, how's life been, Yuno?"
"....good...possibly better than yours."
"Yeah! Definitely! Captain Yami is training us really hard!"
"Serves you right, shrimp!"
The shrill voice, that of Bell, came booming.
"You calling me shrimp?! If I'm a shrimp, you're an ant!"
"You both are short. Just accept it."
"Well Yuno, the weather seems bad up there, since your hair looks like shit!"
They argued like Yuno didn't even exist. It pissed him off a little.

"Hey, Asta."
Yuno asked Asta who was exhausted by screaming with Bell.
"How much money did you give to everyone at Hage Village?"
Asta thought before answering.
"I gave them all of it! Haha! I bet you still have a few hundreds with you!"
Yuno seemed shocked, that Asta basically had no money at all.
Yuno was about to say something, but instead, his head snapped in the direction of the woods.
"Yuno? What's wrong?"
"What's this ominous mana? Who is it coming from?"
Asta sensed someone's Ki from that direction. He took the Demon-Dweller sword out of his grimoire. They both had battle stances, while facing the forest. But a hand grabbed Yuno's neck from behind.

Asta swung the sword upwards in such a speed, he cut off his arm. The arm fell to the ground. Yuno and Asta stood bewildered.
"Asta..? Did you just...?"
"Oh, what a pity."
The boys turned around and found a man without an arm. He didn't seem to flinch at all. But instead, he grew it back.
"A spatial magician."
Yuno informed Asta.
"Yeah, but...his arm was bleeding out, and he looks like nothing ever happened...he even healed it...."
They were both clearly a little confused and afraid.
Wait, don't tell me... He has two magic attributes?!
Yuno activated Spirit Dive, with a booming sound.
"Yuno?! What... Why though?"
"He's extremely strong. I know it."
Asta closed his eyes and activated his devil powers.

"This guy seems like bad news."

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