Chapter 5

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There were flashes of red, green, and blue, coming from the forest's edge. The mana of the battle itself was so powerful it disintegrated the surrounding. Whether it be trees, rocks, or objects.

Yuno sent a tremendous amount of Mana in the form of a beam, from behind the enemy. Although, the beam avoided the cloaked man and dashed straight for Yuno.

Sparks of neon green and blood red flew into the sky, as the demon boy blocked Yuno from his attack.

Asta was far more bloodied than the other boy. His clothes were torn in different parts, and was bleeding from all around.
Yuno's cape was ripped into half, and his legs hurt like they were split apart from the inside.

They both collapsed to the hard uprooted ground, panting and wheezing.
" up for it, Yuno?"
" dare not...fight without me!"
The cloaked man seemed disinterested. He looked at the two boys and then at the surrounding.
" both are exceptionally good."
He looked at Asta and said,
"I'll have him."
All of a sudden, Yuno heard Asta choking and wheezing. He turned around, and found the boy gripping his neck, as-if something was grappling his throat.
"Asta!? What happened?!"
Yuno reached out for Asta, but was knocked down by an invisible force to his neck.
Yuno's body fell to the ground with a thud.
The next time his eyes opened, Asta was being dragged by his hair into a portal.
Yuno was shaking as he pulled his hand up and summoned crescent blades, and sent them flying at the man.
As expected, they returned.
Mimosa and Klaus, knowing something was wrong, went to find him, and saved him.
But not Asta.
It was too late.


Yuno's heart clenched, as he remembered what happened.
Where could he be now?
Yuno asked himself.
What could happen to him?
He was infinitely worried about his friend.
He wished he could go help them find him. He wanted Asta next to him, exactly when it was impossible. Yuno felt thorns poking the inside of his throat and ears. It felt so heavy, as-if his head would fall off like water at any second. Being the careless soul he is, he didn't care.

He felt satisfied and safe when he smiled. That smile was almost contagious, it immediately made him smile as well. He couldn't just be weak and sad around him.
What water is for a tree, was what Asta was for Yuno.
Without Asta, Yuno wouldn't be the guy he is now.
He wouldn't have the courage to save sister lily from Salim and his bandits, he wouldn't have attacked Asta in the winning teams ceremony, to prove that Asta isn't weak, he wouldn't have disobeyed Klaus, his senior, so he could do something he wanted to do.

It was clear that Yuno missed him.

Yuno walked further into the hall, down the stairs, and entered the garden. The garden had some really pretty flowers and plants. There were a few Nightjars, croaking at night. They would blend into the tree branch, like they were the tree branch themselves. He sat on the nearby bench.
He had never been so empty and useless, it was a whole new experience. At least when Asta got his arms wrecked, he was allowed to patrol with someone else.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't realize someone there beside him.

A low bass-like voice caught the teen's attention.
He turned around, and there was a man wearing a short cape, brown jeans, and a hat. He had a well sculpted face, and electric blue eyes.
Yuno realized he was holding a body with both his hands.
This... Mana...
Yuno realized that the mana from this man was horrifyingly familiar.

It was the man in his dreams who told him to stay away from Asta.

The man walked into the moonlight, and revealed his face, and the body he was holding.
Yuno jogged up to the man holding the smaller boy, and picked him up.
"Asta...!...where..where did you find him?"
Yuno looked up, asking the man, who wasn't there anymore.

The man disappeared into thin air. Not a trace of life, not a trace of mana.
Yuno scanned his surroundings hoping to find the mysterious blue eyed man, but to no avail.

He looked down at a surprisingly well healed Asta. He was healed up, like nothing happened. Before anything else, Yuno contacted Marx with his communication device.
"Yuno! Is something wrong?"
"I got Asta."
Yuno tried his best to hide his happiness.


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