Chapter 10

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(the above drawing is mine, I originally drew it.)

Mimosa and Klaus were flat on the ground. They were bleeding from various cuts and bruises on their bodies.
It's impossible...
Klaus lifted himself off the ground.
......Mimosa... I have to get us out of here before he finds us again...
Klaus picked up Mimosa by her arm,  put it around his shoulders, and walked her down the corridor.
There's no way we can run, nor can we fight...the moment we activate our magic, he'll know where we are---
Klaus stopped on his tracks.

He met face to face with a boy, with half of his body clad in black from top to bottom. His right eye shined a striking red, and the other a bright green. A curved horn was formed on the right side of his head.

The black smoky surroundings made the sight more eerie. He lifted the wide sword on his right hand.
The boy's posture was feral. His body was bent over and standing on his toes, he looked like he would pounce at them at any point of time.

No matter how ready they were, they were never ready.

Mimosa gained consciousness and spoke the loudest she could and yet was barely audible.
Klaus stepped back from the boy, and placed Mimosa on the ground.
Klaus took a shaky breath. He opened his grimoire.
"I'm...going to take on you, right here, right now! You're going to have to get past me!"

The other growled in a deep voice. His pupils became slits, and his teeth were sharp, like a wolve's.

The 'devil' flapped his wings and ran towards Klaus in inhumane speed, while dragging his wide sword on the ground. Sparks flew as his sword scraped on the rough stone ground.
His psychotic grin showed of his vampire like teeth, ready to tear into his prey.
"Steel Magic...WALL OF--GAAHHH!!"
He felt sharp claws digging into his stomach, followed by a small airy snicker from the shorter boy.
Klaus's body fell backwards to the ground with a thud..
"Nghh... Mimosa! Get out of here..!"
"No! I'll use my binding magic against him! There's no way he'll--"
Mimosa protested as she pulled herself up, and opened her grimoire.
"We'll save you, Asta!"

Asta smashed her on the side without her even realizing.
Klaus tried to move, but was bleeding a stream of blood.
She yelped and fell to her knees, in front of the demonic figure standing before her, who lifted his sword.

Just as he brought it down, he stopped.

He gripped his arm as-if it hurt. The two fallen Knights looked ahead, and saw wood magic stretching out from Asta's hand to their captain who made it through the black cloud soon enough.....Captain William.

He broke through the wood magic and dived straight for William.
"Wind Magic...Liable Tempest."
White magic sped around Asta, and wrapped him up into a cocoon, sealing off all movement except his head.

"Captain Vangeance....and Yuno.."
Yuno landed in front of the constricted boy, who growled and snarled at Yuno who approached him slowly. He stopped around 6 feet away from him.
White and green wind formed a bow and arrow around his outstretched hands.
He pulled the arrow back.

"....what happened to you...?"


I'm sorry for the short chapter, y'all. I'm not satisfied with it myself. I'm having a lot of work lately, so I might not upload long chapters anymore....anyways, please tell me if I should continue making drawings for my future chapters!

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