Chapter 2

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Yuno opened his eyes.

He expected his room's ceiling, but was confronted by pitch darkness.
He slowly got up, with the support of his elbow. It then struck him that he was at the church.

The side effects of the "tree of dreams" spell had begun.

He was surprised.
'Hage Village? Why?'
He properly sat up and threw his blanket off his lap.

There was someone.

Yuno jolted up and scrambled to a corner of the room. He was startled at the sudden appearance of his friend, Asta.
Asta was sitting like how Yuno was before he moved away. Cross-legged. The shorter boy wasn't looking in his direction, which only scared Yuno more.

The boy asked.
"Asta? Why are... What?"
Asta turned towards the window. The dark moon-lit surrounding only made the feeling more eerie.

"Good morning, Yuno!"
Asta finally whispered, still looking away.
"Or rather..."
Asta's head snapped at Yuno.
"Good Night?"

Yuno froze as he felt fingers on his shoulders.

And he woke up.

But no, not yet. The nightmares weren't over.

He woke up. But in the same room. The same wall. The same boy sitting beside him. And again, he jerked away from the figure, who was now looking straight at him.

It was definitely Asta. No doubts. But his green eyes had a tinge of red, like alexandrite in the night sky. His eyes weren't gleaming, they were dull and barely visible. They were wide open, and his eyebrows were relaxed. A streak of black ink cut through half of his face.

Yuno felt the fingers tap him again.

This time, they said something.

"Save him. He's gone mad. Don't get tricked by his innocent and familiar looks.

He'll kill you."


"We need to interrogate the boy. He's the only one who knows what magic the raider used."

Owen requested Vangeance, who was still worried about Yuno. He insisted that we leave him to do what he wants for a few more days.
"But this really the right time?"
"Sorry, Captain Vangeance. He's most likely trying to forget about what happened that day."
Owen spoke as-if it had happened to him.
"......the immediate response to a tragic incident is trying to forget and move on. And a quiet and emotionless person like him could easily forget the details."
Vangeance looked down. Clearly regretful. Owen walked to Yuno's dorm.
"Sorry, Captain Vangeance.
The sooner, the better."

The experienced doctor knocked on his patient's door.
"Yuno. This is doctor Owen. I'm coming in."
With no hesitation, he opened the door with a creak.

He was met by Yuno, who sat crouched over covered by blankets on his bed, with his hand covering his mouth. Additionally, he was shivering.
Owen exhaled, before slowly walking up to Yuno.
He was soon beside him, but Yuno didn't look up. Owen dragged a nearby chair and sat on it.

"Yuno. How are you feeling?"
Yuno took his hand off his mouth.
His lips were pressed together, as-if he was trying to stay quiet and not talk. Hair fell onto his eyes and face.
"......I don't understand your situation, you'll need to tell me. You can take your time."
"Something happened to Asta."
Yuno finally mumbled.
"What happened?"
"......I don't know."
They both fell quiet. Yuno looked up at Owen. He had dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn't slept for days.
"Asta looked monstrous. Like a demon. It frightened me."
"Don't worry. I doubt that it could happen. It's just your brain projecting your fear of what could happen to him."
Owen reassured.
Yuno replied. But he wasn't letting his guard down that soon.
He knew something happened to his childhood friend.
"Alright, Yuno. Let's start the interrogation."
Owen slid out a pen and a small notepad.

"Who was the attacker?"

A Twisted Kind Of King_[Black Clover]Where stories live. Discover now